With having like the way my sample model came out for the Easterling Warriors, I moved on yesterday to complete the remaining 7 models to finish up the first company. I have roughly about 100 models I need to paint up in Easterlings, 55 of those will be needed for my 600 point LoTR army. I decided that I will be painting them up in blocks of 8 for two reasons. One, 8 is a good number to quickly get them done (not too many to handle, and not too few). Second, in WoTR, Companies are in models of 8. So by finishing 8 at a time, I will be finishing 1 Company at a time for WoTR.
I decided to start with the Easterling Warriors with Hand weapon/Shield, I will then paint the next 8 with Spear/Shield. When these 16 models are done, list "B" for Gathering in the Desert will also be completed. Again my goal is to have list "C" completed which is all 55 models.
Here are the first of my Easterling Warriors completed.
[caption id="attachment_455" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Easterling Warriors: Hand weapon/Shield"]
Painting Points: 8
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