Now that my Morannon Orcs are done, it was time to move on to painting a new army for Gathering in the Desert 2011. I decided I wanted go with an Easterling army. I had purchased 2 of the army boxes a few years ago at Games Day, it was time to finally start painting them. At the same time I am also working on my WotR army "Fallen Realms". The nice thing about LoTR SBG models is, it can be used for two games. As I mentioned the other day, this army is what I am shooting for to complete. I also have a two backup lists I can go with if this army does not get completed in time.
With the Easterlings, I've been debateing if I am going to wash the models with Games Workshop wash, or dip the models with Min-wax. The Orcs I wanted to look "dirty" so I went with the "dip" method. This army I was unsure about, so I painted a test model. For the test model, I decided to go with the GW wash "Devlan Mud" (they use this wash as an example in the WoTR rulebook). After I applied the wash, I went back over the model with some "Chainmail" highlights over the "Gold". The benefit of using the wash over the dip is, I do not have to wait 24 hours to finish up the model. The wash dries much quicker and I can move onto finishing the bases then. I was quite happy on the sample model, that I decided that I will finish the army using the washes.
Below is my test model I used. Obviously the base is not done yet, nor has the matte spray been applied.
[caption id="attachment_445" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Easterling Warrior"]
[caption id="attachment_446" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Easterling Warrior"]
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