Well, I spent the last two nights assembling all 48 cowboys and got them done. Painting them will be a different story. With AdeptiCon coming up the first weekend in April, I still have alot to get ready for that. I need to make sure my sons armies are done for LotR and W40K. I need to make sure my Fantasy army is ready for the Team Tourney, and I just found out yesterday I may be playing in the...
February 27, 2009
February 25, 2009
Back in the Saddle
Well I'm back in the saddle after a great weekend at Gatering in the Desert 2009. You can read more about how the weekend went at my co-organizers site Cursed Treasures, I can say it went really well.The entire weekend was a blast for myself. Here is a quick breakdown of events.Friday:3:00 AM Limo came and picked my cousin (helping me drive back) and myself up and we headed for O'Hare airport.We got...
February 19, 2009
I'm so excited!
The doorbell rings....... I had a feeling it was the Old West building that I ordered. I go and answer the door. The mailman is holding a large box, yep its my buildings. "What's this" I ask myself seeing a smaller box on top. Black Scorpion Minatures... oh yea, my Old West mini's came in at the same time. That's pretty quick considering they came from England.When I get back this weekend from the...
February 18, 2009
Gathering in the Desert 2009

Gathering in the Desert 2009 is fast approaching this weekend February 21st-22nd, 2009. All that is left to do is "dot the i's and cross the t's". So what is GitD2009. Its the annual The Lord of the Rings SBG Indy GT that my good friend Tim K (author of LoTHS) and myself run down in Phoenix, AZ. ...
February 17, 2009
Old West Terrain

So you cant play with Old West miniatures unless you have some Old West terrain. Again, it took awhile researching on the web to find some that I like and that was cost effective. There is a manufacturer here in the states that does make 28mm terrain, but they are currently in the process of selling...
Black Scorpion Miniatures

So the other day I made my first investment into Legends of The Old West. After spending quite a few hours researching all the different miniatures for Old West out there, I decided to go with Black Scorpion Miniatures. They have a very nice line called Tombstone and enough variety for me to get started....

Welcome to The Old West Chronicle. The blog for Miniature Gaming set in the Old West. I will use this blog to detail and keep track of my progress with my gaming and miniatures from the Old West era. I also have miniatures from The Lord of the Rings and Legends of The High Seas that I will also be posting...
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