March 29, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 3/29/2010: ACON 2010 Recap

I dont have much time at the moment to blog, busy getting the place packed and ready for the moving truck on Wednesday, but I just wanted to do a quick recap for my weekend at AdeptiCon 2010. First I wont to thank everyone involved with AdeptiCon 2010, I know it takes a lot of work to run an event like this, so THANK YOU. With already taking this week off from work, I was not able to take Friday...

March 22, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 3/22/2010: LoTOW: 'Frontier'

Yesterday I decided to head out to one of the few independent gaming stores in the Chicago area (Games Plus in Mt. Prospect) to see if they have a WWII Skirmish rule set called "Rules of Engagement" by "Great Escape Games" that Rob over at "Drunken Samurai Painting Blog" has recently picked up. If there...

March 15, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 3/15/2010

I know it has been two weeks since I last posted anything, but with the move back to Arizona in a few more weeks all my hobbying supplies and models have already been packed.  I really did not want to wait to the last minute to pack everything so we have been getting items packed when we can.  So my hobbying blogs have been limited. I have been working on a few army lists for a couple of...

March 1, 2010

Painting Points: February 2010

The start of February I was still in high gear with the painting, but throughout the month it kind of tapered off with not painting anything the last week of February.  Most of the models I need/want to paint are already boxed up for moving.  I do have four Heavy Bolter Imperial Guard...