May 6, 2009

LoTHS: Pirate Crew Is Complete

I know Tim..... finally....My Pirate Crew in is finally complete. Really looking forward to trying them out on the 15th. Eventually in due time I'll have to get a Crew painted up for my son.Captain Christopher Condent, Mate Roosevelt Read, Quartermaster William "Patch" DampierCutthroats Fineglin'...

May 4, 2009

LoTHS: 3 Down 4 To Go

Making Tim proud!!!!!A little over a year ago, my buddy Tim K in Phoenix, AZ released his miniature book "Legends of The High Seas" for Warhammer Historical. Just before the book was released in the US, I went over to Eureka Miniatures USA and purchased myself around 30 pirates to prepare for the book.When my miniatures arrived, I quickly assembled/based/primed 12 of them for my Pirate Crew. I...

May 1, 2009

May Is Here

So the month of May is here, you know what that means? The new Imperial Guard Codex gets released tomorrow and my month will be busy building a new IG Army.Besides a new IG Army, here is what else I have on my plate for this month.LotHS:I need to get 7 more pirates painted by May 15th. John@PlasticLegions is going to be running a Legends of the High Seas campaign on that day, and he is trying to...