The last of my four Imperial Stormtroopers Corps Units are now completed.Next will be to work on some Heavy Weapons and Specialists for the Units and then move onto some Special Forces.Imperial Stormtroopers IVPainting Points:...
July 29, 2022
July 28, 2022
SWL: Imperial Stormtroopers III
I am halfway through my four Corps of Imperial Stormtroopers and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.My goal was to possibly have my 800 point Narrative army ready/painted for Las Vegas 2023, it looks like I am on track to actually have them completed much quicker and ready for the Mid Mitten...
July 27, 2022
SWL: Imperial Stormtroopers II
The next few posts wont be anything exciting, just more Stormtroopers, but they are the Corps of a Star Wars Legion army and are needed.I have been working on four Units of Stormtroopers, and then I will circle back and get to the Heavy Weapons for the Units.Here are 'Imperial Stormtroopers II'.Imperial...
July 26, 2022
SWL: Imperial Stormtroopers I
It was only a matter of time before I had to get to any of the Corps Units (since they are the core of every army) and the dreadful painting of white.I am no showcase painter, I like to just have my models look decent on the tabletop and painting white is my least favorite.I wanted to find a quick and...
July 22, 2022
SWL: Director Orson Krennic (Architect of Terror)
I prefer painting individual characters over units (that s probably why I enjoy painting Marvel Crisis Protocol so much) and I have one more character for my Star Wars Legion Galactic Empire Army before I get to some assembly line painting of troopers.Here is 'Director Orson Krennic the Architect of...
July 21, 2022
SWL: Emperor Palpatine (Ruler of the Galactic Empire)
The collector in me wanted this next model, besides how can you collect Galactic Empire army without the Emperor himself.As of now I have no immediate plans on playing this character, but as my collection grows and I learn the game better, I'll be changing up my lists and he will see the playing the...
July 19, 2022
SWL: Imperial Officer (Ruthless Commander)
When running 'Darth Vader' (Operatve), I still need a Commander to lead my Galactic Empire.With the high points cost of 'Darth Vader' already, no better way than with an 'Imperial Officer'.Imperial Officer (Ruthless Commander)Imperial Officer (Ruthless Commander)Painting Points:...
July 18, 2022
Weekly Chronicle 2022 #29 (Marvel Crisis Protocol /Star Wars Legion Updates)
It has been a while since the last Weekly Chronicle (6 weeks, just before ACO) and thought it was time for a little catch up and what we have in the pipeline.Marvel Crisis Protocol has been going strong all year, ever since we got back from the Las Vegas Open, it has been the main game for me, and I...
July 15, 2022
SWL: Darth Vader (The Emperor's Apprentice)
We are going to finish out the week with another Star Wars Legion model, and this time it will be the second version of this model for SWL, 'Darth Vader (The Emperor's Apprentice)'.This 'Darth Vader is an Operative in the game, he is not a strong as his Commander version, but he costs less in Point...
July 14, 2022
SWL: Darth Vader (Dark Lord of the Sith)
We have a turn of events from what you have been reading/seeing for most of this year.Marvel Crisis Protocol just moved to a side burner (not that back) and Star Wars Legion is receiving the painting brush for a little bit of time.I m waiting on some of the new Citadel paints that are releasing this...
July 13, 2022
MCP: Black Widow Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (Natasha Romanoff)
<Well you cannot post 'Hawkeye' one day and not follow up with his buddy 'Black Widow'. This is the second 'Black Widow' for MCP and this version is a 3 Threat compared to her previous version, a 2 Threat.Black Widow Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (Natasha Romanoff)Black Widow Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D...
July 12, 2022
MCP: Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
<I do not really have much to say about this next model, except he is cool and I wanted to get him done, plus it gives me another arsenal for an Avengers Affiliation or possibly the new S.H.I.E.L.D Affiliation.Here is 'Hawkeye'Hawkeye (Clint Barton)Hawkeye (Clint Barton)Painting Points:...
July 11, 2022
MCP: Thanos
I cannot remember if it was to or from Atlantic City Open, but that was when I got it into my head on how I wanted to paint 'Thanos'. He has been sitting on my shelf unpainted (and unplayed) for the longest time, and then a "light bulb" went off in my head while driving and I came up with a game plan.I...
July 9, 2022
MCP: Viper (Ophelia Sarkissian)
<I know it is a Saturday and I a doing a model post, does not happen too often. Work has been pretty busy and just wanted to make sure another one gets posted, plus, writing this post with a cup of coffee is nice and relaxing.In all honesty this next model I am not sure how much table time...
July 8, 2022
MCP: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
In all honesty, I started to watch the new Disney Plus show "Ms. Marvel", and after two episodes I gave up on it, but that does not mean I was not going to paint up the Marvel Crisis Protocol model for her.'Ms. Marvel' completes the last model for the Inhumans Affiliation (and she also fits into other...
July 7, 2022
MCP: Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon)
Today is the wife of 'Black Bolt', 'Medusa'.I hear that 'Medusa' is actually a pretty good character, but I have yet to try her out personally. She may see more time in a A-Force Affiliation, than in her own Inhumans.Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon)Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon)Painting...
July 6, 2022
MCP: Black Bolt (Blackagar Boltagon)
I have been busy with real work, and then this past weekend was a Holiday, so this is the first model post of July and for the 3rd Quarter of 2022.I had decided I am going to tackle the Inhumans Affiliation and call another Affiliation complete.Well you cannot truly run an Affiliation without a Leader,...
July 1, 2022
Daily Chronicle: "In A Galaxy Far Far Away"
"In A Galaxy Far Far Away" something is brewing, and that is another new game for me called Star Wars: Legion by Fantasy Flight Games / Atomic Mass Games.Star Wars: Legion came out roughly about four years ago, and of course the interest was there because hey, it's Star Wars, but at the time of launch...
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