October 25, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #43 (Catching Up)

It has been a long time since I wrote a "Weekly Chronicle" jumping from week 26 to the current week 43 and honestly, not much has been really missed.

Here is a little bit of catching up:  The Michigan GT was held in Lansing, MI just a couple of weekends ago and my son and I attended the event for the Warhammer 40,000 Friendly, but it really was not much of a "friendly".  

Yes, the players were not all gun-ho on winning, but the list building, scoring and points were not really geared towards a friendly event.  

First off the Points were originally to be 1500 Points with 2.5 hours per round, okay that is perfect, but shortly after registration opened up, the TO increased the points to 1850 and kept the 2.5 hours per round, plus playing on the old full size 6'x4' tables, I knew going into the event no one was going to get past Round 2, and that seemed to old true.

Second, the scoring was straight out of the "Grand Tournament 2021" book, so basically a win at all costs game.  Most "friendly" events, the scoring is less on the outcome of the game, and more on the theme of lists and sportsmanship of the game.

Third, the schedule for the event was just bad.  Three rounds on Saturday that started at noon, so it made it a very late night for dinner.  The event should have started at the same time as the main Warhammer 40,000 Championships (which we should have registered for instead).

There were suppose to be 2 more games played on Sunday, but after each of us went 1-2 on Saturday and the late finish, I decided to head home on Sunday instead.

The "Friendly" at Las Vegas Open 2022 will be much different as it really is scored as a friendly with themed lists and longer round times per game, plus only 2 games on Saturday and 2 on Sunday which will allow time on Saturday night for some entertainment.

With that being said, it is now time to start getting ready for the Las Vegas Open 2022.  It is in three months at the end of January.  The army I am playing will be my Imperial Fists and I am going with an all 'Bolter' themed army, win or lose, I do not care, it will be a fun time.

With my bass fishing season now coming to an end, it will leave some more time to get some painting done, I already was able to complete my 'Predator Destructor' and two 'Land Speeders' that are needed for my list.  Technically I am good to go, but I was thinking about swapping out a 'Stormhawk Talon' Flyer with another Troop choice in the new 'Heavy Intercessors', so they will be next to get completed.  I do have one other model that I would like to have in my list coming from Forge World so it will take some time to arrive and then paint, so we'll see if it makes it into my final list (plus I will need time to playtest it).

Two months after Las Vegas Open 2022, we have AdeptiCon 2022 and my son and I will try again to register there for the Warhammer 40,000 Friendly, and hopefully it will still be a Friday event (schedules still have not been released).  If it stays the same as 2019 (the last AdeptiCon), the Warhammer 40,000 Friendly "should" be 1500 Points.  My Imperial Fists are obviously done for the event, but again, since this is a Friendly, I am leaning towards playing a new army for me.

When we purchased 9th Edition Warhammer 40,000 Indomitus, we were left with one half of a Necron army, well at the Michigan GT a few weeks back, I played against a Necron army and thought they were pretty cool, so before leaving I picked up the new Codex and Datacards, and then me being me when we got home, ordered enough models for a 1500 Point list.

My goal will be for the Necrons to start hitting my painting table in the next few weeks, nothing fancy with their paint scheme, but should be go enough for table top quality.

I believe we are all caught up and what the next few months will be like.


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