I am just continuing on with models from the Idomitus box for my Necrons and making sure that I like the color scheme for them. So far I have to say that I am happy with how they coming up.Next up is one of many Elite Units that the Necrons have, 'Cryptothralls'.Cryptothralls IPainting Points:...
October 31, 2021
October 29, 2021
W40K: Necrons 'Canoptek Scarab Swarms II'
I had another unit of 3 'Canoptek Scarab Swarms' that came in the Indomitus box that also needed to be completed for my 1500 Points list.The Swarms can be run in a Unit of 3-9, so now I currently have 6 in total and can run them as 1 Unit or 2 separate Units. The Swarms come in boxes along with...
October 28, 2021
W40K: Necrons 'Canoptek Scarab Swarms I'
The Necrons have officially hit the painting table, actually a little bit sooner than I had originally expected, but I was anxious to get started on them.In case you did not read it earlier in the week, when we purchased 9th Edition Warhammer 40,000 Indomitus, we were left with one half of a Necron...
October 27, 2021
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Heavy Intercessors I'
As I wrote in Mondays "Weekly Chronicle", I am still wrapping up a few units that I want to use in the Las Vegas Open 2022 Warhammer 40,000 Friendly event.I can now technically call myself done (barring the Forge World model also mentioned, but still undecided on that one).The 'Heavy Intercessors' are...
October 26, 2021
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Land Speeder II'
Just like yesterday's post, another model for my Imperial Fists army and my LVO 2020 list.Here is the second of two 'Land Speeders' with Heavy Bolters.Land Speeder IILand Speeder IIPainting Points:...
October 25, 2021
Weekly Chronicle 2021 #43 (Catching Up)
It has been a long time since I wrote a "Weekly Chronicle" jumping from week 26 to the current week 43 and honestly, not much has been really missed.Here is a little bit of catching up: The Michigan GT was held in Lansing, MI just a couple of weekends ago and my son and I attended the event for...
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Land Speeder I'
You know an event is coming soon if i am painting more and posting more to the blog. Las Vegas Open 2022 is in January and I am wrapping up my Imperial Fists army for the Warhammer 40,000 Friendly event.The Warhammer 40,000 Friendly event is a themed list event, and my theme is the Bolter fire...
October 18, 2021
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Predator Destructor I'
The year has been pretty slow with my blogging (and modeling in general) and I feel like this blog is becoming more of a "model tracker" for myself rather than any kind of source of news, witch I am okay with that, I am always using my own site here as a reference for my previously worked on models.With...
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