October 29, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Judiciar'

It sure feels good to actually get something completed again, painting wise.  It has been just over two months since I last completed a miniature for my Imperial Fists army.  Just before I left on vacation I had started on the 'Judiciar' model from the new Indomitus boxed set, just placed...

October 26, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #43

With being on vacation last week, absolutely nothing was done last week except cutting out some foam trays on Sunday for my 'Primaris Invader ATV's'.I am not really sure what the plan is for this week modeling wise, I may try and assemble a few models if time allows later this week.For the upcoming...

October 19, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #42

With getting ready to leave on vacation last week, no painting was completed (no shock, my painting has been really slow as of late).My son and I did squeeze in a 500 point game of Warhammer 40,000 on Saturday just before I left, and I got to break out my T'au and squeaked out victory using the "Open...

October 13, 2020

W40K: Inbound T'au Empire

Yea, yea, yea I know, another army, but this deal was to good to not to pick it up.  On Thursday, someone somewhat local posted the contents of a Battleforce T'au Empire, Pathfinders and some extra Drones for $50.  The value of those items is easily over $220, so at $50 it was a steal, or...

October 12, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #41 (New Codex Space Marine Test Game)

Still a pretty slow week modeling wise, but at least on Saturday afternoon we got in a game of Warhammer 40,000.  With the release of the new Space Marines Codex on Saturday, we drove down to our local LGS down in South Bend, IN and picked up a copy.  When we got back home we setup the table...

October 5, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #40

Once again it was another pretty slow week.  Part of the reason is the release of the new upcoming Space Marines Codex that will be available for purchase this Saturday October 10th, 2020.Pre-orders were made available this past Saturday and I placed my order with Discount Games.  This means...