September 18, 2015

Daily Chronicle: 'New Painting Workstation'

With the move to a new place coming in the next 2-4 weeks (keys in 2 weeks, but have 4 weeks till we are out of the old place), I thought it would be a good time to think about a new painting workstation setup. I have been using the original Citadel Games Workshop mdf painting station for the last...

September 11, 2015

Daily Chronicle: 'Updated Painting Queue'

Now that my son and I have comitted to playing in the Las Vegas Open in February 2016, it was time to priortize my painting queue.   All my Warhammer 40K projects will be sliding to the back burner, and my Warmachiine Khador models will slide up front.   Hopefully my new models will arrive...

September 10, 2015

LVO 2016 February 5th-7th: Warmachine

In 2016, the Las Vegas Open (LVO) will take place the weekend of February 5th-7th at Bally's Hotel and Casino. This event is still in it's infancy, but has become a staple event for the West Coast. The event mainly started out being for Warhammer 40K, but each year has added more and more events....

September 8, 2015

Battle Report: WM 9/5/2015 Khador vs Cygnar (15/25)

This past weekend was Labor Day Weekend and also on 9/5 was my oldest son's 20th birthday. SO he had mentioned that he wanted to spend the day out going to the shooting range and getting in a few games of Warmachine. Since the other night was my first time playing Warmachine in 3 years, we were...

September 4, 2015

Battle Report: WM 9/2/2015 Khador vs Cygnar (Battlebox)

It has been roughly three years since I last played a game of Warmachine. Life gets in the way, and there were other games to be played. Recently my oldest son started replaying Warmachine with his RPG group and the little light bulb in my head turned on. As I mentioned the other day in my Daily...

September 2, 2015

Daily Chronicle: 'I Think I Feel An Itch'

I seem to always start off with "well it's been x months since my last post", it has happened again. It has been close to 6 months since my last post, and nearly as long since I played any kind of game. I have been really dedicated lately into my 'cycling' and staying in shape (lost 85lbs in the last...