March 11, 2015

W40K: Black Templars 'Land Raider Crusader 1'

The first of my three models that I need done for the Broadside Bash this April is now completed. This is the first Land Raider Crusader I have for my Black Templars army, I am thinking later this year I will probably add at least one more. I need to have two Land Raiders Crusaders in a Black Templar...

March 9, 2015

Another Game.... Magic: The Gathering

It seems like every three years I tend to dabble with 'Magic: The Gathering'. Three years ago I played for a short while when they released the 'Avacyn Restored' set, then again three years prior to that. Well it happened again..... I have always liked MTG for two reasons. One, it is a Fantasy...

Daily Chronicle: 3/9/2015 'Painting With A Deadline'

Like most of you who are reading this, I tend to get more accomplished when I am painitng with a deadline. I usually find an event in the near future that I would like to attend, then make my list, assemble my models and get them painted. Since I will be attending 'The Broadside Bash' Warhammer...

March 6, 2015

D&D 5E: The Rise of Tiamat 3/5/2015

It has been awhile since I have last done an update for D&D 5E, but on Sunday March 1st our gaming group completed the campaign for 'Hoard of the Dragon Queen' and we were planning on rolling right into the next campaign book, 'The Rise of Tiamat'. 'The Rise of Tiamat' is a Level 8-15 campaign...

March 4, 2015

Broadside Bash: April 25th-26th 2015

The past few weeks I have been searching the internet for a Gaming Con for my son and I attend this Spring. I came accross the following events: Kingdom-Con, Kublacon, Gamex (Wizard World Vegas was also in the mix for my middle son to meet Norman Reedus), the problem with Wizard World is, it is...