October 31, 2010

WFB: The Start Of A Lizardmen Army

Games Workshop© The other day a friend of mine was looking to unload a Lizardmen Battalion box that he had an extra.  Lately's he's been playing Warmachine/Hordes and I had some extra WM/H models lying around.  SI I mentioned to him that I had some Everblight/Skorne/Orboros models that...

October 30, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves Spearmen (x2)

Games Workshop© This past week I was able to work on and complete the final two units for my Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves army.  Two units of Spearmen are now completed. This is the first time ever I was able to paint up that many rank and file guys in one week.  So I now have 2000 points...

October 22, 2010

WFB: Empire Army Re-Based

Games Workshop© My Warhammer Fantasy Empire Army is now fully re-based to my new standards for my Fantasy armies.  Over 3000+ points, roughly about 175 models. Along with re-basing the entire army, I also took the time to "touch" them up.  The Games Workshop washes did a great job for...

October 21, 2010

WFB: High Elves 1200 Points Assembled

Games Workshop© Well, actually a little bit more than 1200 points are assembled.  The High Elves Battalion box, 2 Units of 5 Ellyrian Reavers, 1 Mage, 1 Battle Standard Bearer and 1 Prince on steed have been all assembled for my son.  Now when we will actually start painting them, who knows. ...

October 17, 2010

Battle Report: WFB Empire vs. Dwarfs

Games Workshop© Last week the family and I had spent the week at Disneyland in California.  I decided that one of the days my son and I would just relax and visit the LA Battle Bunker for a game while the rest of the family enjoys the day at the park. The LA Battle Bunker does not open till...

October 1, 2010