January 31, 2010

Painting Points: Last Day Of January 2010

Well today is the last day of January and I think this month is most I have ever painted, at least it felt like it.  Here is a recap of what was accomplished for the month. Warhammer Fantasy 2x Dark Elves Reaper Bolt Throwers (8) 10x Wood Elves Glade Guard (10) 3x Wood Elves Tree Kin (6) 10x...

W40K: IG Chimera's (x4)

Here are the finished pics of the 4 Imperial Guard Chimera's that I worked on yesterday.  Just like with the Hellhound, "Less is more". Chimera I Front Angle: Base coated. Chimera I Rear Angle: Base coated. Chimera I: Matte Coated.  Chimera II: Matte Coated.  Chimera III:...

January 30, 2010

W40K: IG Hellhound Part 2

One of my favorite architect's Ludwig Mies van der Rohe adopted the motto "Less is more", I decided to do the same for my Imperial Guard vehicles.  Just a little basecoat, and let the dip do the rest.  Here are some pics of the process from Base Coat - Matte Coat of my Hellhound. Hellhound...

W40K: Imperial Guard 1/30/2010

The four Chimera's and Hellhound are now complete for my AdeptiCon 1000 point Team Tournament list (pictures will be posted tomorrow once the "dip" dries.  We'll be play testing the list next weekend and hopefully the list will do alright.  Seeing how I already packed/boxed all my other W40K...

January 28, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves War Hydra (Beastmasters)

As promised, here are the Beastmasters to go along with their Hydra.  I believe I am done painting Dark Elves now until the move to Arizona.  I have left 2 units of 20 Warriors FC Spear/Shield and 1 unit of Black Guard.  For the time being I am playing with these unpainted.  Once...

January 27, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves War Hydra

While waiting yesterday for my primer to arrive for my Imperial Guard, I decide to paint up my War Hydra to pass along the time.  I do not need this model for AdeptiCon, but I do for my 2250 point list so I figure I might as well get her done.  I was able to paint/dip/base all in one day. ...

January 26, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves Dark Riders

This is a historic post for me, #14 for the month.  14 posts is the most I have blogged in one month since I started 'The Old West Chronicle'. Anyways, this past Sunday seeing I had no more IG could paint, I decided to continue on with the Dark Elves.  I needed one unit of Dark Riders to...

January 22, 2010

W40K: Imperial Guard 1/22/2010

Finished up my fourth and final Special Weapons Squad last night for the IG (the last of my models that were already primed).  I ordered my "Desert Yellow" primer from The War Store today, so hopefully I'll have a lot more updates for my Imperial Guard next week....

January 21, 2010

W40K: IG AdeptiCon 1000 Progress 1/21/2010

Progress below on what is left to do to complete my 1000 points for the AdeptiCon W40K Team Tournament.  4 Chimera's and 1 Bane Wolf to go.  I'll be ordering my primer tomorrow so hopefully some progress can be done on them next weekend. ...

W40K: Tyranids 1750/2000 Lists Take 2

Ok, after posting my lists on Adeptus Arizona and receiving some feedback, here are a few changes. 1750 pts HQ Hive Tyrant w/ Paroxysm, Leech Essence, 1x Twin-linked devourers, Hive Commander, Armoured Shell, Regeneration, Scything talons (270) Tyrant Guard (60) Elites 2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170) 2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170) Troops 10x Termagants...

January 20, 2010

W40K: Imperial Guard 1/20/2010

A friend of mine once made a graphic like the one below for his 'Sons of Sek' army he built for the 2008 Las Vegas GT. I really liked the idea, so I'm "borrowing" it to keep track of my Imperial Guard army. Once I finish a unit or vehicle I'll update the below graphic. Keep in mind, I have finished...

Painting Points: How They Work

First off I would like to thank Lone Pilgrim and Equinox for the idea of Painting Points. The basics of the system are that a participant earns points for each model painted. The number of points earned depends on the size of the model.  Quite a few bloggers are also using the following...

W40K: Tyranids 1750/2000 Lists

With the release of the new Tyranids Codex and plastic models last weekend, it got me to thinking on what I want to do next after my Imperial Guard. I really do like the look of some of the new models and I think with the "TAP" method of painting I can get them done rather quickly. I probably will...

January 19, 2010

W40K: IG 1500/1750/2000 Lists

I just realized that I never actually posted any lists for the Imperial Guard army that I am working on. The originality of the list was from a friend of mine and I made a few changes here and there. I have yet to play with any of these (trying to get them painted first) so I'm sure these lists will change every now and then, but this is what I am starting with and what I am painting first. Once...

January 16, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves Harpies

Started working on my Dark Elf Harpies yesterday and I was able to finish them up today. Just one unit of Dark Riders to finish and my 1000 point AdeptiCon force will be all painted.Dark Elf HarpiesDark Elf HarpiesThe rest of my 2250 point army will have to wait to get painted till after we move back...

January 13, 2010

WFB: Wood Elves Treekin

This past Christmas my son received a unit of 3 Treekin for his Wood Elves army. Usually it takes me about the whole year to paint up one of his Christmas presents. Well this year, we decided to get them done right away. I assembled the models for him and also primed them black for him. I had my...

January 12, 2010

W40K: IG Hellhound Part 1

This past Sunday morning for some unknown reason I woke up around 3:00 AM. I could not fall back asleep so I said to myself might as well start to build my Hellhound. The night before I had swung by the GW Battle Bunker and picked up the new plastic kit. Once again, kudo's to GW with their new kits....

January 8, 2010

WFB: Wood Elves Glade Guard

The second unit of Wood Elves Glade Guard for my son got their bases done yesterday morning and Matte spray finish. One more unit to go.Wood Elves: Glade Guard ArchersWood Elves: Glade Guard ArchersWood Elves: Glade Guard ArchersThe Champion for each unit has different colors for the gems on the cloaks...

January 4, 2010

List for 2010

Since most of my friends have made a list of things to do for 2010, I'll give it a shot. I'm going to try and keep it simple for 2010. With the move back to Arizona coming in late May / early June I really do not want to buy too much while still here in Chicago just to haul it all back. So here we go.My main goal for 2010 will be to concentrate on two core games Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy.Warhammer...

January 2, 2010

A New Year, 2010!

Already 2010.... WOW!... December was a good month for getting things done in the hobby. Not sure if I finished what I wanted to for December.... lets see.W40K:Imperial Guard1. Finish priming the rest of my Troops for my 1750 point list. NOPE2. Get 3 more Foot Troop units painted (24 guys). This will have all my "Troops" done. Just Command Squads, Special Weapons, Heavy Weapons will be all that's...