June 17, 2017

Guild Ball: Engineer's Guild 'Mother'

Now we finally have the last model for the Engineer's Guild with 'Mother'.  'Mother' is the seconf Mascot for the Engineer's and this model I can see hitting the Pitch.  I really do like the ability to use a free Long Bomb with 'Mainspring', but I can see 'Mother's' Character Play Burrow coming...

June 16, 2017

Guild Ball: Engineer's Guild 'Veteran Velocity'

I finally finished a model for the month of June, and it feels really good.  April and May I was just cranking them out, then it was like I had hit a Stop Sign.  I do not think the Steam will be as strong as it was back then, but hopefully I'll be able to keep it going.  Summer months...

June 15, 2017

Daily Chronicle: Still Here, Just Slowed Down A Bit

I figure I better get a post in for the month of June since we are now technically half way through the month.  I am not on a hiatus this month, just slowed down drastically.  At the end of May, I spent a few days to fly back to Arizona and then drive my wife and youngest son back to Michigan,...