July 13, 2009

W40K: July Updates

As mentioned in the post below, I'm slowly getting out of my GW rut and playing some W40K games. I usually need a goal/upcoming event to get me motivated to paint again. So on August 15th, 2009 Adeptus Windy City will be starting an "AWC Tournament Series" (similar to the old days of Tournament Trackers but without the point standings) with a tournament held once a month using the Adepticon rules/scoring...

W40K: Planetstrike Has Arrived

Well, this has been long overdue. Sorry for the lack of updates. With a vacation to Houston at the end of June / beginning of July, and in a rut for GW games, not much was really done last month.I did manage to paint up my Soviet HQ and a platoon of Soviet T34/85 Tanks, other than that, really did not do any painting.I'm slowly coming out of my GW rut and did get a game of W40K in against my son...