June 8, 2009

FOW: US Armored Rifle Platoon

Over the weekend I finished up the bases for my US Armored Rifle Platoon. This platoon can be played in either MW or LW.Armored Rifle PlatoonCommand Team & Light Machine Gun TeamRifle Squad Team & Mortar TeamM3 Half-TracksI now have 1500 points completed for US Tank Company Late War, and about...

June 5, 2009

June 4, 2009

FOW: US Tank Company

Here are some pictures I took a little over a year ago for my US Tank Company for Flames Of War. I am just about done with adding an Armored Rifle Platoon to the Company and those pictures should hopefully be up later this week. This army will be playable in both Mid War (MW) and Late War (LW). In...

June 2, 2009

June Is REALLY Here

Boy did May really fly on by. Seems like I didn't really get much done, oh wait I didn't. Here is a recap what I did do in May, along with what I hope to accomplish for June.LoTHS:As you can see, I finally did get my Pirate crew done for Legends of The High Seas. Unfortunately I was not able to attend the Pirate campaign that was scheduled for May 15th. Last minute our family had to go out of...