Didn't really get too much done this weekend. The wife went to Michigan with the middle child to visit her twin sister, so I had the oldest and youngest with me for the weekend. We visited my sister on Saturday and went to lunch at a nice little grill in downtown Glen Ellyn called "2 Toots Train Whistle Grill" its a neat concept where all the tables/booths are next to a Lionel train that runs on...
April 27, 2009
April 25, 2009
W40K: Salamanders Update 4/25/2009
I was able to finish Tactical Squad 3 this week for the Salamanders and my son and I threw down for a practice game last night at the Chicago Battle Bunker. I have around 1250 pts of the Salamanders now completed, and I added a primed Land Raider Crusader to his list for a 1500 pt game. I decided to throw down with my Black Templars. I've been playing them a lot lately and I'm getting pretty comfortable...
April 22, 2009
LotR: Galadhrim Models (coming soon)
The Galadhrim are the warriors of Lothlórien's court, sworn to the defence of the Golden Wood, and to the service of Galadriel whose name they proudly bear. Two new box sets enable you to field Galadhrim Regiments in plastic for the first ti...
W40K: Planetstrike
Planetstrike will be the next expansion for Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 due out for Summer 2009. It seems to be a mix between W40K 5th Edition and W40K Apocalypse with the scenarios being geared toward more of Attackers vs. Defenders. Here is a teaser trailer from Games Workshop....
April 15, 2009
W40K: Salamanders Pictures 4/15/2009
Finally got around to getting some pictures of the Salamande...
April 10, 2009
W40K: Salamanders Update 4/10/2009
A week before AdeptiCon I decided to start on my sons W40K Space Marines Salamanders Chapter. He started buying the models just before Christmas, so I thought it was finally time to get them painted. I plan to paint these in phases, and hopefully get them all completed by the end of April. Only 3 weeks left.1000 Points:1 Captain (primed)2 Troop Squads (completed)2 Razorbacks (completed)2 Dreadnoughts...
April 2, 2009
AdeptiCon 2009 - 1 Day Away
Well AdeptiCon 2009 is officially just one day away."dot the i's, cross the t's" thats what this morning was all about.Display Base for my son's LotR Singles Championship is done.Matte coating of my Fantasy movement trays are done.Printed lists are done.All final tasks for AdeptiCon 2009 are now done.Its going to still be a busy afternoon. I have to make two airport runs today. My friends Tim K...
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