April 27, 2023

MCP: Amazing Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (2)

It is not some of my greatest work, but I wanted to do something different with this 'Amazing Spider-Man'.Early on I painted 'Spider-Man' from the Core Set with a black suit, and I wanted to do the same with this 'Amazing Spider-Man'.  I had already painted this models in the standard suit colors,...

April 24, 2023

MCP: Immortal Hulk (Bruce Banner)

I was hoping to get a start on this model last weekend, but my preorder did not arrive till Monday afternoon. After dinner on Monday, the assembly began on ‘Immortal Hulk’.I primed the model on Friday night to prep him for the painting table on the weekend. After a couple of games of MCP earlier in...

April 22, 2023

MCP: Dormammu (Dormammu)

Well it took a while to purchase this big guy, but with a $10 birthday discount with Miniature Market, I finally broke down and purchased 'Dormammu'.How much play time will 'Dormammu' see is still yet to be determined, but he will hit the game mat today so I can see what he can do.Dormammu (Dormammu)Dormammu...

April 4, 2023

MCP: Winter Soldier (James “Bucky” Barnes) (2)

Most MCP rosters have a model that is almost an auto include, and one of those models is ‘Winter Soldier’. Seeing how both my son and I play, it was finally time to pick up a second copy of ‘Winter Soldier’.  I usually do not paint on Monday nights after work, and I was not feeling it last...