March 31, 2022

MCP: Crosbones (Brock Rumlow)

This is the last model that needed to be completed from the Marvel Crisis Protocol Core Set, and how fitting it is that it is also the last day of Q1 in 2022.It has been a good Quarter for me painting (usually Winter/Fall are for me) and now that Spring/Summer are coming, it will more than likely slow...

March 30, 2022

MCP: Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius)

With 'Amazing Spider-Man' being completed yesterday, it is only fitting to post one of his Spider Foes today, here we have 'Doctor Octopus'.This is actually the first time for me that a majority of the model was painted with Games Workshop Contrast Paints, and I am quite happy how he turned out.Doctor...

March 29, 2022

MCP: Amazing Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

I have to admit, I was a little scared when it came time to paint 'Spider-Man', but I took my time, and I am really happy on how he came out.On my first 'Spider-Man' from the Core Set, I took the easy way out and painted the black suit, but wit this model I wanted to paint the traditional red and blue...

March 28, 2022

Weekly Chronicle 2022 #13 (AdeptiCon 2022 Recap)

 AdeptiCon 2022 has come and gone, and unfortunately 2022 was a short event for me.  I had to work on Thursday and had other personal commitments on Saturday, so Friday was my only day to really attend the event.I was originally signed up for the Warhammer 40,000 Friendly on Friday, with the...

March 27, 2022

MCP: War Machine (James Rhodes)

I am not a huge fan of the new 'Captain America', but I really do like 'War Machine' and the two of them come together in the same box (I'll eventually get around to Sam).As soon as I received 'War Machine', he was built and hit the painting table.War Machine (James Rhodes)War Machine (James Rhodes)Painting...

March 25, 2022

MCP: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)

I am here at AdeptiCon 2022 adding more to my MCP collection, that I have to get going on another post.Up next is 'Captain Marvel' Carol Danvers, another model from the Core Set.When I first finished her and saw the way her face turned out, these lyrics just popped into my head.I'm a Barbie girl, in...

March 23, 2022

March 15, 2022

MCP: Bullseye (Benjamin Poindexter)

While my son is working on his 'DareDevil' model, I decided to build 'Bullseye' from the box and get him painted. I prefer the look from old 2003 movie (mainly black), but decided to go with the comic colors.Bullseye (Benjamin Poindexter)Bullseye (Benjamin Poindexter)Painting Points:...

March 11, 2022

MCP: Star-Lord (Peter Quill)

For now this is my last model for the Guardians of the Galaxy, the leader of the affiliation, and it is 'Star-Lord', Peter Quill.I am not the greatest at taking photos of my models and only have my phone, but I am really happy on how this model turned out, looks really good to the eye.Eventually I am...

March 10, 2022

March 9, 2022