May 28, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #21

Today is Memorial Day so a nice extended weekend to my few days of vacation last week.  We made it safely back to Michigan early Friday morning and got the car all unloaded once we woke up.  I still have to finish remodeling our main floor bath room this week in the evenings so there probably...

May 21, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #20

I am back in Arizona for a few days for a graduation and we are starting to load my sons car up for the road trip back to Michigan,  We shipped 10 boxes via UPS and then the car is loaded up with another 6 and a BUNCH of army bags, some Warhammer 40K armies that you never know we may play again.I...

May 14, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #19

Once again, nothing new to report this past week and it will be like this for the rest of the month (at least).  Heading back down to Arizona this weekend for my middle sons High School Graduation, then driving back to Michigan next week with my oldest s...

May 8, 2018

WM: Khador Man-O-War Assault/Siege Chariot Pre-Order

Yesterday was the last day to pre-order a Khador Man-O-War Assault/Siege Chariot from Black Anchor Heavy Industries and receive a free Truckers Hat.  I thought the hat would look real nice with the T-Shirt I already have from ordering the ‘Dracodile’ late last year so I bit the bullet and...

May 7, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #18

This is bad, another week without anything accomplished, and too be honest, I think it will be like this for the entire month of May.  This weekend and next week I will be working on renovating our main bath and then we are off to Arizona and do not come back until around Memorial Day.  Hopefully...