January 31, 2014

Bolt Action: Soviet Union 'Anti-tank Rifle Team'

The paint finally hit the brush and last night I was able to start on my Soviet Union army for Bolt Action.  I have 1000 points I need to paint before the weekend of February 22nd-23rd and the 'green flag' has dropped. I wanted to 'test' my paint scheme for the infantry before I got too invested...

January 30, 2014

Bolt Action: Scenario "Bunker Assault"

SCENARIO: BUNKER ASSAULT Warlord Games released a new scenario for Bolt Action today. You can find the scenario HERE. This scenario represents a frontal assault against a section of an enemy fortified line, and works perfectly with our Atlantik Wall bunkers set!This could represent troops storming...

January 29, 2014

Daily Chronicle: 1/29/2014

With my absence from gaming the last 2 years, I had lost my .com "www.theoldwestchronicle.com" to someone in China and had to revert back to the default Blogger address "theoldwestchronicle.blogspot.com".  Today I decided to get my old address back but with .net.  So this site can be reached...

January 27, 2014

Bolt Action: 1,000PT Soviet Union 'Starter Army'

Last week I was introduced to a fairly new game called 'Bolt Action' from Warlord Games. "From Blitzkreig to North Africa, from the Russian Front to the D-Day Landings, Bolt Action puts YOU in command of the most brutal and famous battles of the Second World War." I have always been interested...

January 21, 2014