January 29, 2013

W40K: IG Veterans With Plasmaguns

Well I could not get back into Warhammer 40K and not have anything painted for the month of January.Since I am going to be heading out of town tomorrow for a few days, I wanted to make sure and get something done.  I am currently working on a Vendetta also for my Imperial Guard army, but thought...

January 28, 2013

Daily Chronicle: 1/28/2013 'Rebirth of AdeptusArizona.com'

Back in 2005 when I first moved to Arizona from Chicago, I was a dedicated Games Workshop hobbyist and loved to promote the hobby to the gaming community.  I had successfully run a hobby forum called Illinois Warhammer Fantasy Battles and wanted to do the same for Arizona, so I launched AdeptusArizona.com....

January 22, 2013

Daily Chronicle: 1/22/2013 'Back Into Games Workshop'

8 months since my last post, and roughly 2.5 years since I last played Warhammer 40K, but last week a friend of mine started to spark interest for me back into the game.  Now it was time to go into storage, dig the armies out and see what we have left.  About the time I left Warhammer 40K,...