April 23, 2012

MTG: 'Avacyn Restored' Prerelease

'Avacyn Restored' Prerelease April 28-29, 2012 This weekend is the prerelease event for Magic The Gathering 'Avacyn Restored'.  My son and I just re-picked up MTG after about 3 years removed from the game and we are planning on attending this event at our local game store, Empire Games.  We...

February 7, 2012

WM/H: Privateer Press 'War Room' Mobile App

War Room, Mobile App For iPhone/Android Privateer Press recently announced a new app for iPhone/Android called 'War Room'.  This new app should be available sometime this March. War Room, which will be available on tablets and handhelds for both the iOS and Android platforms from Privateer...

WM: Colossals Video Preview

Expansion Introduces Huge-based Warjacks BELLEVUE, WA, February 3, 2012 – Privateer Press is pleased to announce the next expansion book for its award-winning WARMACHINE tabletop miniatures game, WARMACHINE: Colossals, which will release worldwide July 2012. The new book introduces...