June 10, 2024

MCP: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) (2)

As I mentioned in my last post about 'Ancient One', I have been undecided on which Affiliation to play next, but have been leaning towards trying out Defender's.Usually my son and I try not to purchase duplicate models unless we really have to, and in this I really had to since my son usually has 'Daredevil'...

June 2, 2024

MCP: Ancient One

It is actually already June 2nd and the models completed for this year are pretty low, but today I decided to sit down and get another model completed.I have been undecided as of late what the next Affiliation I want to play, I have been leaning towards X-Men (why 'Professor X' was the last model painted),...

May 22, 2024

MCP: Professor X (Charles Xavier)

I am still undecided what Affiliation I want to play next, I keep on going back and forth.  Obviously winning is fun, but I also want to have fun playing the models I like.  I know that X-Men are not currently a Top Tier Affiliation, but I think they may be fun with a couple of splash characters.'Professor...

April 8, 2024

MCP: Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)

I am working on my new X-Men roster that I may be playing in Squad Goals 2024, and still have quite a few new models to finish.  Besides Iceman (which I painted first, just for fun), I am painting the models I need for my roster, then I will come back and finish the others.So this past Friday I...

March 25, 2024

MCP: Iceman (Bobby Drake)

I actually finished this model just before AdeptiCon this past weekend, but did not have time to do a post.The plan was for me to start playing X-Men after AdeptiCon (which I still may) since on March 1st a new wave of X-Men were released.  One of these models was 'Iceman' Bobby Drake.Once I saw...

February 20, 2024

MCP: Invincible Iron Man (Tony Stark)

It has been a few months since I last painted a model (I have been busy getting terrain ready for Cherokee Open 2024), but I finally say down and got some painting finished.I am not in a need at the moment to have this model completed, I just thought I wanted to try something different with the color...

January 1, 2024

What's in store for 2024!

Happy New Year 2024!Well, here it is, the day I write out all my goals for the year only to find out on December 31st that I did not meet my expectations..2024 I believe is going to be simplistic, very simplistic.Bolt ActionI am going to keep Bolt Action on the list for another year.  I know last...

December 31, 2023

2023 Year in Review

As we come to the close of 2023 and welcome 2024, it is that time of the year for my annual "2023 Year in Review".As I do each year, 2023 started with a "What's in store for 2023!" so we will use that post as a basis for our year in review.Bolt ActionPainting Goal: None currently, we have enough models...

November 16, 2023

MCP: Ultron, Metal Tyrant (Ultron) and Ultron Drones

I finally got around to assembling and painting a model from the new Marvel Crisis Protocol (Earth's Mightiest Heroes) core set, and elected to go with 'Ultron, Metal Tyrant' and his 'Ultron Drones'.I elected to go with this model so I could have an updated Age of Ultron list that I play with my Avengers,...

October 2, 2023

MCP: Doctor Strange (Stephen Vincent Strange) (2)

I am not exactly sure why I painted up Doctor Strange at this moment, but since my second version of 'Wong' was recently painted, I decided to go ahead and paint up the second 'Doctor Strange' model that we have. I elected to go with the same look as how I painted 'Wong', which may make for a nice...