June 2, 2024

MCP: Ancient One

It is actually already June 2nd and the models completed for this year are pretty low, but today I decided to sit down and get another model completed.

I have been undecided as of late what the next Affiliation I want to play, I have been leaning towards X-Men (why 'Professor X' was the last model painted), but now I may be leaning towards Defenders.  I came across a roster that seems interesting to me and I would not mind playing it for awhile.  One catch is that the 'Ancient One' is in the roster and our model was not yet painted.

Last night I primed the model black because I wanted to try the slapchop method of painting on her.  When the primer was dry, I dry brushed the grey and white and started on the Contrast paint.  I ended up doing some more dry brushing/highlights besides just the Contrast.  This was my first time doing slapchop and I think I needed more grey on the model, the cloak is a bit darker than I had hoped for, but she is still table top quality I feel.

Ancient One

Ancient One
Painting Points: 2


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