February 13, 2023

MCP: Agent Venom (Flash Thompson)

This is the first time that I was able to pre-order a model and actually receive it the day it came out.  Usually when I do a pre-order, it does not ship till that date and I receive it after the weekend.So seeing how I received 'Agent Venom' on Friday, at night I assembled him and 'Spider-Woman'...

February 9, 2023

MCP: Skurge, the Executioner (Skurge)

Just a few days late getting this post out, but over last weekend I was able to find some time and sit down and paint 'Skurge'.This is another model that on Saturday morning I just decided to assemble and get him ready for the painting table.  I had a color scheme pop in my head (because I did...

February 1, 2023

MCP: Baron Strucker (Wolfgang von Strucker)

Last weekend was a good weekend for painting, I was able to finish up 'Mysterio' on Sunday, and then I was able to start on 'Baron Strucker'.When 'Baron Strucker' first was released, I saw an alternate painting done on him and knew this is how I wanted to paint mine.  I was not liking the "green"...