April 29, 2022

MCP: Drax The Destroyer (Drax)

I thought 'Luke Cage' was going to be the last model for the month of April, but yesterday I sat down and squeezed one more in with 'Drax The Destroyer'.That is one more model completed for my Guardians of the Galaxy Affiliation, and I believe I only have two more to go.Drax The Destroyer (Drax)Drax...

April 27, 2022

MCP: Cog 'O' Two Figure/Ruler/Token Tray

I first came across these trays from Cog 'O' Two while we were at the Las Vegas Open back in January, and I knew that if we were going to be playing Marvel Crisis Protocol at any events, these would be a needed (cool) item to have.They are a bit pricey and I was ordering for two, but the quality is...

April 26, 2022

MCP: Luke Cage

I was able to complete one more model for the month of April with 'Luke Cage', after this model I am kind of in a holding pattern, I do not have anything prepped and ready to go. I need to take a look at my backlog and see which model really interests me to paint.With 'Luke Cage', I was going to his...

April 21, 2022

MCP: Taskmaster (Anthony Masters)

Real life has been busy the last couple of weeks so my hobbying has slowed down, but I do have another model completed for Marvel Crisis Protocol.I decided to paint 'Taskmaster' with all GW Contrast Paints, besides the metals (I haven't done that before) and in all honesty, I did not care for it, to...

April 14, 2022

MCP: Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

Not sure how much play time this model will get, it was more of a purchase because I thought the character in the movie was cool and funny. Eventually in a casual game I will play him and see what he can do.Painting the smaller version of this model reminded me of the days when I used to paint Flames...

April 13, 2022

MCP: Gamora

For the Atlantic City Open this June, I want to run an Avengers / Guardians of the Galaxy Roster, but only having 'Star-Lord', 'Rocket Raccoon' and 'Groot' completed, I needed at least one more model from the GotG affiliation just to make sure I am at 50.1% in order to use 'Star-Lords' Leadership Ability....

April 12, 2022

MCP: Lockjaw

Right now I have no intentions on playing the "Inhumans" affiliation, but I really do like this model, he's a doggy.In all honestly he probably will see some table time with other affiliations because he is a pretty good model to help with slower allies, and I really want to say "Who's A Good Boy?"...

April 8, 2022

MCP: Green Goblin: Norman Osborn

I purchased this model at AdeptiCon mainly for my son since he was thinking about running a Spider Foes affiliation list which would also include 'Spider-Man' just for fun.I was a little afraid this model may give me some issues (getting the right purple and green), but it came out alright.Here is the...

April 7, 2022

Daily Chronicle: Change in Convention Schedule for 2022

Yesterday I was thinking about our upcoming Convention Schedule for the rest of 2022, and was thinking about making some changes.Originally planned, the next two events would have been the Motor City Mayhem in May (in which we were playing in the Warhammer 40,000 GT) and Cruisehammer in August (which...

April 6, 2022

MCP: Punisher (Frank Castle)

I am more of a collector than I am a gamer (always have been) and that is where Marvel Crisis Protocol is a good game to collect (as was my love for Guild Ball).This model for me is probably more of a collection piece for me than it is a model that will hit the gaming table, it "may" see the table for...

April 5, 2022

MCP: Moon Knight (Marc Spector)

Well we are into the month of April and Q2 of the year for painting. The next two Quarters will be a bit slower due to outdoor activities (Fishing), but I will be getting a few models completed here and there.The first model completed this Quarter is a character my son just recently picked up at AdeptiCon...