In this video, prepared for the first US Warlord Games Day, Alessio
Cavatore talks about the future of Bolt Action, especially the upcoming
Bolt Action supplement for playing with tank armies.
Well we could not miss playing a game of Bolt Action on the 70th anniversary of D-Day. So after my son got home from work we headed out to our local game store for a late night game.
Since it was D-Day, I let my son play his US army while I commanded to the Germans. We tried to setup...
With today being the 70th anniversary of D-Day, I had to get something completed for Bolt Action.
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy –
perhaps the most pivotal moment in World War II, when the Allied forces
commenced operations to push the German army back out of...
Warlord Games released this morning an updated Errata/FAQ for Bolt Action.
Alessio Cavatore has been busy working on an update to make tank
pinning a little more realistic – you can check out the results in our
free PDF download.
There are also various other clarifications as well as rules for...
I know a few days late, but there was not really much to report for the month of May.
May was a busy month personally for me, plus spending the last week of it at Disneyland. I did manage to paint 2 models for the month. A Dreadlord for my Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves army, and a HMG...