As with most miniature gamers who take up blogging, today is the day to write about what we acomplished and did not accomplish during the year.
For myself, all I can say is that 2014 was a huge success for me regarding gaming. Seeing how in 2013 I only had 2 blog posts, and 3 in 2012, to already finish 2014 with 85 posts is an accompishment all by itself.
On to the actually gaming.......
December 31, 2014
December 30, 2014
Battle Report: 12/30/2014 X-Wing
I managed to get 1 more game of X-Wing in this afternoon before we move into 2015. Unfortunately it was another loss for me. That is 2 losses in a row, not a good way to finish 2014. Hopefully we'll start 2015 on the right foot.
Seeing how we just picked up a YT-2400 last night, I...
X-Wing: Wave V YT-2400 Freighter & VT-49 Decimator
I know I'm a little behind on the X-Wing Wave V releases (released on 11/26/2014), but we had a very busy end of November early December being out of town. My son did pick up the VT-49 Decimator two weeks ago and I did manage to get in 2 games with it this past weekend.
Yesterday our LGS (Empire Games)...
December 28, 2014
Battle Report: 12/27-28/2014 X-Wing

Well this is my first blog post in awhile, and my first post strictly using my iPad. I have recently decided to try and eliminate my laptop as much as possible and to use my iPad more (grant it with a keyboard attached), and I am using the 'web gui' of blogger and not the iPad app. I still...
October 22, 2014
Bolt Action: Panther Ausf A Plastic Box Set (ordered)

Back in March of this year, Warlord Games and Italeri announced a partnership to have Italarei bring more plastic vehicles and terrain pieces to the wargaming world and further enhance the Bolt Action range.
The first two vehicles they were going to release are the United States M4 Sherman and the...
October 17, 2014
Bolt Action: United States 'M10 Tank Destroyer'

WOW! it has been 4 months since I last posted a model that I painted, let alone a few actual months that I posted anything at all. It's not that I haven't been gaming, I have been playing some X-Wing during that time, I just haven't been posting any battle reports on it. But it has been...
August 18, 2014
Battle Report: 8/17/2014 X-Wing

I cannot believe it has been just slightly over 3 months since I last played a game of X-Wing and about 2 months since playing any game..... been keeping myself busy trying to quit smoking, diet and picked up cycling all at the same time (been doing really good with those three). Plus the garage is...
June 10, 2014
Bolt Action: Alessio talks about the upcoming Bolt Action Tank Battles Supplement

In this video, prepared for the first US Warlord Games Day, Alessio
Cavatore talks about the future of Bolt Action, especially the upcoming
Bolt Action supplement for playing with tank armies.
June 9, 2014
Battle Report: 6/6/2014 Bolt Action on D-Day

Well we could not miss playing a game of Bolt Action on the 70th anniversary of D-Day. So after my son got home from work we headed out to our local game store for a late night game.
Since it was D-Day, I let my son play his US army while I commanded to the Germans. We tried to setup...
June 6, 2014
Bolt Action: United States '75mm Pack Howitzer'

With today being the 70th anniversary of D-Day, I had to get something completed for Bolt Action.
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy –
perhaps the most pivotal moment in World War II, when the Allied forces
commenced operations to push the German army back out of...
June 4, 2014
Bolt Action: Errata and FAQ Updated 05/30/2014

Warlord Games released this morning an updated Errata/FAQ for Bolt Action.
Alessio Cavatore has been busy working on an update to make tank
pinning a little more realistic – you can check out the results in our
free PDF download.
There are also various other clarifications as well as rules for...
June 3, 2014
Painting Points: May 2014

I know a few days late, but there was not really much to report for the month of May.
May was a busy month personally for me, plus spending the last week of it at Disneyland. I did manage to paint 2 models for the month. A Dreadlord for my Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves army, and a HMG...
May 18, 2014
Bolt Action: Soviet Union 'Maxim HMG Team'

Well I did not think I was going to be able to get another model finished this month, but Friday night I squeezed in my Soviet Maxim HMG Team.
I've got two boys graduating next week (one in High School, one in Jr. High) with family flying in. Then taking the extended family off to Disneyland...
May 13, 2014
Battle Report: 5/9/2014 Warhammer 'Dwarfs vs Skaven' (2500 Points)

Friday night May 9th, I played my first game of Warhammer Fantasy in a few years (I did get a quick 1000 point game in the weekend before with my son, but that was more of a refresher on the rules). I've been working on a 2500 point Dark Elves list, since I did not have everything quite done...
May 12, 2014
WFB: Dark Elves Dreadlord w/ Great Weapon

I was on pace to go the whole month without painting a single model, I could not let that happen, I had to get at least one Painting Point in for the month. The next few weeks will be busy with 'life', so I am not sure how much will be painted in the next 2-3 weeks. I would like...
Battle Report: 5/11/2014 Bolt Action 'Soviet Union vs Germany' (1000 Points "Maximum Attrition")

With yesterday being 'Mother's Day', my oldest son and I headed out to our local game store (Empire Games) while the wife was with the youngest two, afterwards we were all going to meet for a late lunch. Usually my son and I play in the garage, but since we are still lacking in some terrain...
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