January 29, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Invader ATV III'

The final 'Primaris Invader ATV' of three that I completed this week, this one is identical to I and II.

Some people joked about this model when it was first previewed, saying that it looks a lot like Mario Cart, but I actually think the model looks pretty cool and fills a nice role for my army, anything with a weapon of S7 or greater is good for my Imperial Fists, especially during Round 1.

Primaris Invader ATV III

Primaris Invader ATV III

Painting Points: 10

January 28, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Invader ATV II'

Today is the second of three 'Primaris Invader ATVs' completed for my Imperial Fists army.

How do I know that this is #2 in the Squad?  If you look to the right of the main gun and down a bit, you will see three markings on the ATV, they are painted yellow for which number it is.  Here is a link to yesterday's post if you want to compare.

Primaris Invader ATV II

Primaris Invader ATV II

Painting Points: 10

January 27, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Invader ATV I'

Well I was able to work on my 'Primaris Invader ATVs' this week (I did get on start on them over the past weekend) and I am happy to say that they are all completed.

Here is the first of three 'Primaris Invader ATV I', both weapon options were painted in case I eventually do want to swap them around.

Primaris Invader ATV I

Primaris Invader ATV I

Painting Points: 10

January 25, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #4

Week #3 was a pretty good week as we continue to roll into week #4 of 2021.

I am happy with what I finished for painting last week, I completed both of my 'Primaris Impulsors' I and II, and I also started on the next models for my Imperial Fists army, three 'Primaris Invader ATVs'.  I am not sure if the 'Primaris Invader ATVs' will get done this week (depends on how the evenings go for me), if not, then they will be posted next week to kick off February.

Gaming was also a pretty decent weekend with three games played.  On Saturday we kicked off the day with our first game of X-Wing for the year.  While in AZ for the holiday's, my son picked me up a "Jango Fett's Slave I Expansion" for the Separatist Alliance and I wanted to give it a fly.  I flew him with 2 Drones and a Sith Infiltrator vs Han/Luke and another T-65.

Once I was able to shut down Luke Skywalker and the T-65, my Separatist Alliance managed to hold off for the win with only losing my Sith Infiltrator.  Jango Fett was kitted with the recommendation out of the box since I did not have much time to really look into the model, and I am unsure if I would use that setup again, I need to research other Hyperspace options for him.

Following our game of X-Wing, we threw down for our second game of Blitz Bowl for the year.  Just for ease of getting everything ready, we played with the models in the box, my son running the Humans and I played the Dwarves.  The Dwarves from the box have been undefeated up until this point.....the dice were not with me for this game and the game ended once the Humans outscored me by 10.

On Sunday we played our first 1000 points of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.  We played a Pitched Battle game which according to the Generals Handbook 2020, 1000/2000 point games of Pitched Battles are played on a 48"x72" board, but then there is a section on playing Meeting Engagement games of 1000 points on the new smaller size boards that Warhammer 40,000 uses, which for this would be 30"x44".  Since we were officially playing a Pitched Battle, we elected to play on the full 48"x72".

Last weekend when we first tried out a 500 point game (just to get familiar with the motions of the game) we played the first Battleplan from GHB20, so for this game we continued with the book and played the second Battleplan called "Total Conquest".

I was playing my new Kharadron Overlords vs my sons Stormcast Eternals and being a Battleplan that scored extra for the Objectives, I just did not have as many models that could hold them.  I think I killed just a bit more than he did, but the killing of models was not scoring the points.  I believe the final score was my Kharadron Overlords losing 24-10 to Stormcast Eternals.  The game was fun and different and I definitely need to rethink my battle plan.

Not sure what gaming will be happening this coming weekend.  This weekend is the 5th weekend of the month and it is an "open" weekend for us to play whatever we want, Usually the games we do not get to the rest of the year....so we will see.

Models Completed: 2
Games Played: 3

January 21, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Impulsor II'

I obviously painted 'Primaris Impulsor I' at the same time as 'Primaris Impulsor II' since it is posted the day after.

I am glad that both of these models are now completed and I can move onto other projects (been busy building Kharadron Overlords for Warhammer Age of Sigmar).  I am not really sure what will be painted next for my Imperial Fists, more than likely I will probably tackle the three 'Primaris Invader ATVs' that I already have assembled.  I am just debating if I want to paint these next or move onto some Warriors for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game.

Primaris Impulsor II

Primaris Impulsor II

Painting Points: 10

January 20, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Impulsor I'

The backlog of grey plastic is not really too bad, at least for my Imperial Fists army for Warhammer 40,000, let's not get started on everything else, nonetheless I do still want to get as much of it completed this year as I can.

Even though my Imperial Fists like to stand back and shoot and then capture Objectives, sometimes having a Transport can be handy (too rush and hold an Objective), plus I personally really like the model.  I ended up purchasing two of them last year after Indomitus came out (mainly for my 'Assault Intercessors') but they will also see use with regular 'Intercessors'.

Here is the first of two 'Primaris Impulsors'.

Primaris Impulsor

Primaris Impulsor

Painting Points: 10


January 18, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #3

This past week was pretty busy assembling models for my new Warhammer Age of Sigmar "Kharadron Overlords", I wanted to have at least 500 points ready for the weekend (and then some).

I did manage to get 2 models completed and posted to the site, but that was for DC Universe Miniature Game with 'Krypto' and 'Steel', but at least some painting was completed.

For gaming, on Saturday we got to test out our new 500 points for AoS with a Pitched Battle mission from General's Handbook 2020.  With 500 points, honestly it is not enough models to really play the game, like in Warhammer 40,000, the missions are pretty heavily based on holding Objectives, there are just not enough Units in 500 points, luckily the first mission in the book only had 2 Objectives.  At the end of Round 5, we each had 1 Objective, and like in W40K with Secondary Objectives, there are Auxiliary Objectives in AOS (2 per player), the game came down to who completed the most Auxiliary Objectives, and my flying Dwarves only managed 1 while Stormcast Eternals managed both, my Dwarves suffered a Minor Loss.

Sunday was suppose to be a game of Blood Bowl 7's, but I was busy in the morning and early afternoon assembling more Kharadron Overlords to get me up to 1000 points, that instead we played a game of Blitz Bowl in the late afternoon, my Skaven vs Wood Elves.  This was a close game game, but I managed to "squeak" out a victory winning 18-16.

For this coming week I should have some Warhammer 40,000 models being posted (for now W40K is still a high priority to paint) and I "may" start prepping some "Mirkwood Rangers" for the painting table (now that I have paints for them).  I have like 36 Warrior models I need to paint for my MeSBG list, and I know I still have some time with them, but I'd rather not wait till the last minute.  While they are on the painting table, I may have to "proxy" them in some test games.  Plus once I can get these completed, then I can start adding my Kharadron Overlords to the painting table.

Gaming this coming weekend will probably see some X-Wing action on Saturday and possibly 1000 points of AoS or Blood Bowl on Sunday.

Models Completed: 2
Games Played: 2

January 15, 2021

DCU: Steel (John Henry Irons) [JL]

While I was painting 'Kryptos' cape with Contrast "Blood Angels Red", I decided to also work on 'Steel' at the same time.  I knew 'Steel' would be fairly quick to paint with just a metal body and his cape.



Painting Points: 1

January 14, 2021

DCU: Krypto [JL]

For Black Friday I placed a fairly decent sized order with Knight Models and when placing an order with them, Knight Models were including 'Krypto' for free.

My order finally arrived from them not long ago, and I thought 'Krypto' would be a good model for me to test the Citadel Contrast "Apothecary White", and I do like the results.  'Kryptos' cape was also done with a Contrast "Blood Angels Red".

'Krypto' does not have a stat card, but he will be a nice piece just to follow 'Superman' around.



Painting Points: 1

January 12, 2021

AoS: Diving Into Age of Sigmar

I told myself many many years ago I would not be getting in Age of Sigmar (AoS), but I also said the same thing about returning to Warhammer 40,000, and here I am.

Even before Games Workshop killed off the Old World in place of Age of Sigmar, the rank and file game of Warhammer Fantasy started to die off for me, there were plenty of other games out there that were getting my attraction.

As I mentioned on the first of the year in my "What's in store for 2021" post, I had thoughts about getting into Age of Sigmar, been thinking about for a few weeks.  I really do like the game play of Warhammer 40,000 (since the removal of tables/charts) and Age of Sigmar plays just like that, plus it seems like there are less models in an Age of Sigmar army than there was in a Warhammer Fantasy army (and most of your models are actually being used, just not sitting in ranks).

Sign Me Up!

I always enjoyed playing Dwarves in Warhammer Fantasy, I just really like the look of their models, stunty fellows in armour, so if I was getting into Age of Sigmar, I'd want to play Dwarves.

In Age of Sigmar, that leaves with me really with two options "Dispossessed" from the "Cities of Sigmar" Battletome and "Kharadron Overlords" a new faction in Age of Sigmar.  "Dispossessed" are more like the dwarves of old and "Kharadron Overlords" are dwarves in flying machines....oh!

If I was going to be playing in a new game, I thought I better go with a faction that was created for ge of Sigmar instead of a carry over from Warhammer Fantasy, so I chose the "Kharadron Overlords".

Now it was time to start purchasing some models.  I built lists for 500/1000/2000 points all based from the Start Collecting box and then expanded on that box, with another Start Collecting Box, 2 Warcry boxes (better deal for the models I needed) and an Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit.  I still need some more models (especially an Ironclad) to get to 2000 points, but I have plenty now for my 500/1000 point lists.

My plan is to get one of the Start Collecting boxes assembled by this weekend (which is 500 points) and hopefully get in our first game of Age of Sigmar, then I'll continue building to my 1000 point list.

Painting is another story, right now I am in no rush to get them completed, playing the game unpainted at home I am fine with.  In September at the NOVA Open, they may be running the Age of Sigmar Doubles event (1000 points per player) and the thought of playing in this event has come to mind.  First we really need to see if we like Age of Sigmar, then comes the painting, and painting these guys will take some time.

January 11, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #2

Last week was pretty good for me...  

I ended up completely 4 Heroes for my "Survivors of Lake-town / Halls of Thranduil" army list with 'Bard', 'Legolas', 'Tauriel' and 'Bilbo Baggins', which only leaves me the Warrior models for that list.

For gaming, my son arrived back from AZ late Saturday night, so yesterday I got to play my first game of 2021.  Originally it was scheduled for some Blood Bowl, but my son was in the mood for Warhammer 40,0000.

We threw down for a 1000 point game of my Imperial Fists vs Dark Angels using the recent points update from Game Workshop along with the updated scoring rules for the 2020 GT Mission Pack.

This was a pretty close game, for the Primary Objectives we were both tied at 35 points a piece, it was in the Secondary's (plus Battle Ready) where my Imperial Fists managed to get the victory 60-43.  Maybe that extra 10 points for Battle Ready will urge my son to get more painted....

For this upcoming week, I have a couple models ready to go for DC Universe Miniature Game and then I need to get building on some models.  Gaming this weekend is still up in the air, I do have a Gaming Schedule I am trying to follow, but sometimes we may be in the mood for something else, so it is just a recommendation, so we shall see.

Models Completed: 4
Games Played: 1

January 8, 2021

MeSBG: 'Bilbo Baggins Master Burgler'

Today marks the end of MeSBG week for me, and it was a pretty decent week.  With today's model, I already painted 2x the number of models I painted last year.

On Wednesday afternoon my package of "Champions of Erebor" arrived, so right away I had to open it up and start prepping 'Bilbo Baggins Master Burgler'.  'Bilbo' is the last Hero I need for my "Survivors of Lake-town" alliance list (for now).  I purchased this box specifically for 'Bilbo', but I do see myself occasionally adding another third alliance to my list especially if time runs out to finish painting warriors.

With this model, it is actually the first time I really painted with the Citadel Contrast paints, I did a test Tyranid model before and was not happy with the Black Templar Contrast, so I stopped, but here on 'Bilbo', I used Contrast Talassar Blue on his coat and Apothecary White for the fur on the coat.

The next step would be to test out my list in a game and we have MeSBG scheduled to be played at least once a month, but we will be missing out on January unless we get to somehow squeeze it in, otherwise it will be the second Saturday in February.  Maybe sometime between now and then I "may" work on some of the Warrior models.

Bilbo Baggins Master Burgler

Bilbo Baggins Master Burgler

Painting Points: 1

January 7, 2021

MeSBG: 'Tauriel'

The second Hero I completed for my "Halls of Thranduil" alliance is 'Tauriel'.

Just like with 'Legolas' yesterday, 'Tauriel' is the plastic version of her model.

Now that is all that is left for the "Halls of Thranduil" alliance is 20 'Mirkwood Rangers', not sure when those will be hitting the painting table.



Painting Points: 1

January 6, 2021

MeSBG: 'Legolas Greenleaf'

Continuing with my Hobbit week, I am working on my Heroes for my "Halls of Thranduil" alliance and today I have 'Legolas Greenleaf'.

Games Workshop does make two different kits for 'Legolas' and 'Tauriel', an older kit which is made out of resin and 'Legolas' is wielding Orcist, and a slightly newer kit which was made from the standard GW plastic.  This 'Legolas' is the plastic model which also came with a pre-molded base.

Legolas Greenleaf

Legolas Greenleaf

Painting Points: 1

January 5, 2021

MeSBG: 'Bard the Bowman on Foot'

As I mentioned in yesterday's Weekly Chronicle, this week is going to be for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game.

A month or so ago, I re-watched the Hobbit Trilogy of movies (first time since seeing them in the theaters) and the urge to play a Hobbit force in MeSBG really hit me.  I enjoyed the character 'Bard' in the movie and of course 'Legolas' and 'Tauriel'.  I was looking at a possible force that can combine these three characters.

'Bard' comes from the "Survivors of Lake-town" army list, and 'Legolas' and 'Tauriel' come from "Halls of Thranduil" and it was just my luck that these two lists formed an Historical Allie so I would be able to play the three characters together.  I also do have a slight variation to this list where I also add "Erebor Reclaimed" but that list is really cutting down on my number of models (it may be an option if I am behind in painting).

I enjoy painting characters more than warrior models, so first up for the "Survivors of Lake-town" is 'Bard the Bowman on Foot'.

Bard the Bowman on Foot

Bard the Bowman on Foot

Painting Points: 1

January 4, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #1

The first Weekly Chronicle for 2021!

There was no gaming to be played (hopefully this Sunday) this past week a my son is still out of town, but plenty of work continued on assembling models and getting them prepped for painting.

On Saturday I posted the first model completed for 2021 which was a 'Stormhawk Interceptor' for my Imperial Fists army.

In the pipeline for this week I will turn my attention back to MeSBG for a few days as I work on some Heroes for a new "Survivors of Lake-town / Thranduil's Hall" army.

Models Completed: 1
Games Played: 0


January 2, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Stormhawk Interceptor I'

What a great way to start of 2021! Having completed a new model for my Imperial Fists army for Warhammer 40,000.

Back in November while we spent a weekend gaming in Wisconsin, we decided to stop at the Warhammer store in Madison.  While there they had a 'Stormhawk Interceptor' Flyer, and I grabbed the last one.  My son had just assembled one for his Dark Angels army and was trying it out that weekend, and I thought the model looked pretty cool and wanted one for myself.

In all honestly I actually forgot I purchased this model till the other day.  I then looked through my stack of Space Marine models and sure enough it was sitting there.

I then decided to break open the box and start the assembly process.  There are a couple of different weapon options you can use to kit out the model, mainly with the side sponsons.  Instead of the typical Missile Launchers, I elected to use Heavy Bolters to stay in theme with my Imperial Fists.

Here we have it, the first model for 2021, a 'Stormhawk Interceptor'.

Stormhawk Interceptor

Stormhawk Interceptor

Painting Points: 10

January 1, 2021

What's in store for 2021!

Happy New Year 2021!

Today is the day where I get to use my psychic powers and predict my gaming trends for 2021.

Yesterday I posted my "2020 Year in Review" and today we shall see what stays on the list and what is going away and if there are any new additions.

Arena Rex

Arena Rex is going to stay on the list for 2021, we do have some models painted along with terrain, so it is a nice quick game to occasionally throw down.

Painting Goal: None, I am not setting any expectations for painting.

Gaming Goal: I missed my planned goal of 5 games last year with only 2 played, so we are going to shoot for 3 games played in 2021.

DCU Miniature Game

DCU MG for now is staying on my list for 2021, but it slid way down to another occasional game.

Painting Goal: If Knight Models would ever ship me my models, there may actually be a goal in place.  I placed an order in November and still have not heard anything from them, honestly I do not think I ever will.  If my models arrive, then I may put a few on the painting table through out the year.

Gaming Goal: Just like with Arena Rex above, this game be played every now and then when we want to change it up.  I think 3 games played may be a good expectation.

Blitz Bowl / Blood Bowl

I am going to combine these 2 games in 1, Blitz Bowl being the quick board game style of play and Blood Bowl being more in depth.

Painting Goal: 1 full Blood Bowl team box of 12 players will be my goal for 2021, I really think this is attainable and may surprise myself with another.  I just need to decide which team will be first.

Gaming Goal: I have high expectations for Blood Bowl this year (at least with Blood Bowl 7's).  We are planning on playing an in house League with 4 Teams to start the new year off and then add a few Teams in future Seasons.  Blood Bowl does still take a few hours to play, so combing Blitz Bowl/Blood Bowl.... I am going to shoot for 30 games played in 2021.

Middle-earth SBG

In all honestly the re-watching of the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings movies toward the end of 2020 and it re-sparked my interest in the game.  We do own quite a few models for the game and I have recently added some more in the past few weeks.  Will the fire keep burning through all of 2021, that may be a tough one.  I may just have to re-watch a movie to light the spark again.

Painting Goal: I did buy a lot of models at the end of 2020 for quite a few different armies so I may concentrate on getting some of them done.  I am not really setting any goals or armies completed, where I can see myself painting a few models / warbands here and there through out the year.  There is a big convention in the Fall (that actually may happen) where it would probably kick my painting into high gear if I elect to play MeSBG there.

Gaming Goal:  My plan is to try and play 1 game a month, so in theory that would be 12 games for the year, but we all know other plans do happen.  So I am setting a goal of 10 games for 2021.

Warhammer 40,000

Just like in 2020, Warhammer 40,000 will more than likely be our primary game in 2021.  We have a lot of models and different armies to play/paint throughout the year.  With the ease of just going into any gaming store and picking out a new model when we want, it is the easiest to get a hold of all the games I have listed so far.

Painting Goal: With AdeptiCon 2021 already cancelled, it is tough to set any painting goals.  I think it will be more like MeSBG above and when I am in the mood to paint a model for Warhammer 40,000, I'll just paint it.  I have fully painted Imperial Fists army for 1000/1500/2000 point games, and plenty of more models to add to that army.

Gaming Goal: Last year I had a goal of 30 games and I hit it with 38 games played.  If we are not attending any events this year for Warhammer 40,000, I have it scheduled for twice a month which would be 24 games.  That is less than last year, but we are adding MeSBG and Blood Bowl into the mix.  I think I will stick to what is scheduled and set my goal of 24 games played in 2021.


X-Wing is a great game that can be played in 75 minutes, so it always seems to make the list for the New Year....plus we do have a lot of ships for the game.

Painting Goal: Not Applicable (pre-painted miniatures)

Gaming Goal: Last year I lowered my expectations with a goal of 6 games played, and I hit it with 10 games played.  For 2021 I will keep the same goal of 6 games played.  If more games are played again in 2021, that will be a bonus.

New Games for 2021?

This is a little tough one to decide.  Towards the end of 2020 we picked up Blood Bowl and I seem to have resurrected MeSBG, so it will be tough to get another game into 2021.  

Is there a chance to also resurrect Warmachine/Hordes? I think that would be very slim.  I have been out of WM/H for awhile now and have not kept up with any of the changes.

What about bringing back Bolt Action? Possible, but slim also.

Then there is another game that is very easy to pick up at the gaming store, Warhammer Age of Sigmar.  All of my Warhammer Fantasy models are gone, and with Age of Sigmar they really changed the game, but AoS is played a lot like Warhammer 40,000 now and there are a few models that I really like, but you do need quite a few of them to play the game.  I can "maybe" see this game happening if MeSBG is not quite doing it for me (I enjoy the world of MeSBG and the models, it is the game play of almost always needing 6's on the dice that gets to me).  I think squeezing in AoS will be really tough unless something else gives.

Another possible interest may be Star Wars Legion, again there is quite a few models to this game and it is sci-fi like Warhammer 40,000.  When Legion was first released, there was not a lot of choices for models, but it has been out for a couple of years now and the line has grown.  It is hard to get into Legion when we have so many models already for Warhammer 40,000.


Well the early part of 2021 is not looking good for events.  The Las Vegas Open in January and AdeptiCon in March have already been cancelled.  The next two larger events that interest us, NOVA Open and Renegade Open do not happen till the Fall, September/November.  Those two events are a possibility if the vaccine for COVID-19 works and gatherings are allowed again.  The problem with the Fall trips is that I still have a month long Europe trip scheduled for the Summer and getting more vacation time and dollars may be an issue.  If Europe gets cancelled once again for 2021, then there may be a chance.

The above is not set in stone, I like to look back at this post through out the year and see how I am doing and if anything changes.  There are only so many weekends in the year, and other interests sometimes do take some of that time.

We shall see what happens in 2021.