March 29, 2019

Daily Chronicle: AdeptiCon 2019 Day 3 3/29/2019

Friday was Day 3 for AdeptiCon and it did not go as scheduled for myself.  My son went downstairs early for his Batman Miniatures Game tournament and I was heading down an later and I was entered in the X-Wing System Open Qualifier.  At the last minute I decided to bail out on the event and continue to check out the vendor hall.

I wanted to get in a demo game of Arestia! from Corvus Belli, so one of the founders of Corvus Belli, Carlos game taught me how to play the game.  This was the game I was eyeing before coming to AdeptiCon as a quick play game to have done within an hour.  I enjoyed the game a lot, so stay tuned next week for some posts about it.

When I was done with the vendor hall for the morning, I decided to head upstairs for lunch and a quick break before heading back down with my Guild Ball stuff.  If someone was going to ask to play, I might as well get a game in.

While watching my friend Josh play a friendly with his Fisherman's Guild, Alex Botts (World's #1 Player) asked me if I wanted to get a game in...hell yea!  Since I know Alex like to play Butcher's and that is the Guild I was playing, I asked if he wanted to play the mirror match-up, he decided to bring out the new Cook's Minor Guild for our game.  Alex totally controlled the flow of the game, yes I managed a Take Out, yes I managed a Goal, but he just dominated the pitch for a 12-6 win with his Cook's, it was fun game though and Alex is a friendly player to play against.

After that game was over, it was time for re-fill of my cup with some Jim Beam. well that was a mistake, when that drink was done, I found myself back in the vendor hall making another new game purchase with Judgement.  It seems my friends from Grand Rapids are all getting into this game so I decided to get 3 models for myself and 3 models for my son and we can start some 3v3 battles.  Hopefully we'll be able to get up there for a few games.

Once my son was done with his BMG tournament which he finished 1-3 it was time to get some dinner at one of my favorite Italian Beef places, Buona (better than Portillo's).  When he got back we headed to the 2nd floor and hang out with some friends watching some Judgement games.

Tomorrow is the big day with the AdeptiCon Guild Ball Championships.


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