February 14, 2022

Weekly Chronicle 2022 #7

I have not really been keeping up with "Weekly" Chronicles, but some are better than none.

Let's see where we are at with projects and gaming since coming home from the Las Vegas Open.

First up, we assembled "most" of the models we had purchased for Marvel Crisis Protocol that we purchased while at LVO, there are still a few models that came in the two packs that we have not completed yet.

Assembled Marvel Crisis Protocol models.

This past Saturday we then also played two more games of MCP (game #'s 2 &3) to still get more familiarized with the rules.  The games took us quite a bit of time to complete and I think soon we will start playing with a chess clock to help speed up the games.

So where I am at with Warhammer 40,000 besides the two games at LVO and one in Arizona, I am only sitting at those three games played for the year, but with AdeptiCon fast approaching, a few more practice games will be played before we head there.

I am currently working on painting up a Unit of 'Lychguard' for my Necrons that should be completed any day now, this Unit is in one of my test lists for the AdeptiCon Friendly event, so if it makes it to the final cut, then the Unit will be completed.


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