August 2, 2020

Battle Report: W40K 7/31/2020 (GT2020 "Scorched Earth")

Friday afternoon I took the half day off from work so my son and I can try a full 2000 point game of Warhammer 40,000 using the new new "Grand Tournament 2020" missions and rules.  We ended up rolling mission "Retrieval Mission" but with the way the deployment is for that mission it is not easy to play on our board setup and turned the page and played that mission, it was "Scorched Earth".

We proceeded to select our Secondary Objectives and my Imperial Fists choose; "Thin Their Lines", "Bring It Down" and "Raze" from the Mission.  My sons Dark Angels choose; "Raise Banner", "Grind Them Down" and "Assassinate".

I was Defender and selected my Deployment Zone and placed my first unit down, a 'Whirlwind' hidden behind a some Obscuring Area Terrain.  We finished deploying and then rolled off who will go first or second.  The Dark Angels won this roll and elected to go first.  

My Imperial Fists lost a Unit of 'Tactical Marines' and my 'Invictor Tactical Warsuit' took some heavy damage but he managed to stay alive, it was time for the Imperial Fists to fire back and we sure did.  First turn is where we get the best of our Combat Doctrine against Vehicles so that it what we were shooting for.  The Imperial Fists managed to destroy a 'Razorback', 'Land Raider Crusader' and did some damage on a 'Predator'.  I managed to keep the Dark Angels from scoring on their Secondary "Bring Them Down". 

Scoring the Primary Objectives each Round we were keeping it pretty even, it was not till Round 5 where I was able to take the go ahead on the Primaries.  The Dark Angels were scoring points with "Raise Banner" and I was with "Thin Their Lines" and "Bring It Down".  My Turn 3 I brought in my two Units of 'Eradicators' (first time trying them out) from "Strategic Reserves" and one Unit took out a 'Dreadnought' while the second Unit managed to take out a lone 'Primaris Captain', both of these Dark Angel Units were holding an Objective, so it was a good Turn.

By the end of Round 5, my Imperial Fists managed to wipe out the Dark Angels, but using the new scoring sheet with points for Primary and Secondary Objectives in 9th Edition, the game was much closer.  Imperial Fists 57, Dark Angels 32.


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