December 31, 2018

2018 Year in Review

There are two blog posts that I enjoy writing the most each year, the first one is my "What's in store for" (next year), and the second one is my "Year in Review".

2018 started with a "What's in store for 2018" so we will use that post as basis for our year in review.

Guild Ball
Painting Goal:  This is a tough one.  I would love to say to be able to complete every Guild Ball model that I have so that all Guilds are completed.  It is doable since I currently probably have around 40 models left to complete.  I have the new six for both the Farmer's and Blacksmith's, the second six for the Brewer's and the remaining are for my Mortician's and Union.  I do have a few one off's left (Smoke and Lucky) and I am wrapping up Skatha for my son's Hunter's Guild.  I think realistically I will shoot to complete the Farmer's, Blacksmith's and Brewer's (along with the few one off's).  This will give me some room for some of the new Minor Guilds that will be released in 2018.

Gaming Goal:  Here we go, I always want to be able to play more games each year, but real life always gets in the way.  I prefer the collecting/painting over the gaming anyways (hence the reason why I have every Guild for Guild Ball), but the plan for 2018 will be to concentrate on two gaming systems (Guild Ball and Warmachine/Hordes).  AdeptiCon 2018 is coming up at the end of March (coincides with the end of my first painting quarter) and for Guild Ball I am signed up for the AdeptiCon Championships on Friday, and the Homelands Cup on Sunday.  Here's my problem, I have yet to play in an official event for Guild Ball, all my games have just been friendlies.  So that is my goal for 2018 is to play in more Guild Ball events.

Painting Goal:  This past year turned out to be a pretty decent year in painting my Guild Ball.  I started the year off strong, had a lull, and then kicked it right back up recently.  Unfortunately the second six Farmer's nor my Union did not get completed, but I did finish the Blacksmith's, Brewer's, Mortician's and my son's Hunter's.  Steamforged also added some new Veteran models to existing Guilds so i wanted to get some of those completed.  The Minor Guilds that were released this year, Ratcatcher's, Falconer's and Navigator's did not see any paint on them.  Stay tuned tomorrow to see where they fall on my list for 2019.

Gaming Goal: Guild Ball gaming did not start off as strong as I had hoped for in 2018 and actually swapped out events at AdeptiCon.  The gaming stayed slow for me until this past October with the release of Season 4.  Season 4 really got me excited for the game and I finally attended 2 Guild Ball tournaments.  Before the release of Season 4, I had only played 3 games, my total for the year is now 32 games, that is how much I have been enjoying Season 4.

Painting Goal:  I still have quite a few models in my backlog for Warmachine/Hordes (mainly with Trollbloods), but I need to concentrate 2018 on my two main factions, Khador for Warmachine and Minions for Hordes.  In those regards, the backlog is not too big.  I have a few Units and Warjacks that I need to complete for Khador and there are some new models coming out for Minions at the end of this month that will take high priority in my painting queue.  Let's not also forget the new Minions 'Dracodile' that will be posted tomorrow.

Gaming Goal:  For the past year I have been telling myself that I am going to try and play in the 'local' (40 miles one way) WM/H league in South Bend.  I have yet to play in that league.  It runs for 5 weeks, then they take a week or two off and start back up and continues through the year.  The first session for 2018 will be starting up shortly.  If I want to remember the rules for WM/H, I have to play more (as with Guild Ball), so I will try and finally play in some of the league sessions when I know it does not interfere with any vacations.  On Saturday at AdeptiCon my son and I are signed up for the WM/H Team Tournament, so I need to make sure I know what I am doing.

Painting Goal:  I did really good in the beginning of the year painting my Warmachine/Hordes models, all but one of the Minion models were completed and I also did some work on my Khador army.  There are still a lot of Warmachine/Hordes models in my backlog though and we shall see when they get done.

Gaming Goal:  I still never attended the "league" down in South Bend, but I did play a lot of WM/H for me.  Playing in events at AdeptiCon, NOVA Open, Michigan GT and the occasional casual games with my friends saw me playing 38 games of WM/H last year.

I enjoy attending events through out the year (when once again life doesn't get in the way) and the funds are available.  Not always to compete in events, but just also hanging out and getting in some friendly games.

2018 will be very similar to my plans for last year with a few subtractions and additions.  

For the last couple of years I have been starting out the year with the Las Vegas Open, well this year I will not be attending.  There is no organized play for Guild Ball this year, so the only interest would be Warmachine/Hordes.  With AdeptiCon only two months later, I am flying my son out for that.

AdeptiCon in March, as just mentioned above, this one is a must.  Now that I am in the Midwest again, this is a 'must' attend event for any gamer.  Registration opened up early December and my son and I are all signed up.  This year I also decided to book the hotel onsite in case we have any late night gaming (though I'll probably be tired).

Vacation plans will once again get in the way for the Summer months (at the end of May I will be going back to Arizona and moving my oldest back with us to Michigan), so the funds for June will then be limited.  Muse on Mini's throws a Con that same weekend we will be driving and then there is Privateer Press Lock & Load in either June or July.  Lock & Load would be very fun to attend, but the airfare for two to Seattle will get pricey (along with the hotel room).  I try and attend events where I can still drive where gas is still cheaper than airfare.  We shall see about Lock & Load, but my hopes are not high for this one.

Now comes the Fall/Winter and there is a quite a few I would like to attend, once again funds will limit our choices along with dates.

September has the Nova Open in the Washington DC area over Labor Day Weekend, this one is reachable by car for us and is an option.  I have never attended the Nova Open, but here that it is a really big event.

October is the Michigan GT in Lansing.  Mainly it is for Warhammer 40K, but over the past few years has branched out to other gaming systems.  Last year I was signed up for the WM/H Tournament, but a totaled van kept me from attending.

November has Warmachine Weekend in the St. Louis area (just a 6 hour drive for us).  I really feel this will be the year my son and I will finally attend the Warmachine Weekend.  I also have some friends from here that will be attending and I enjoy the 'fun' types of events that they run.  I am just not happy with the lack of information (and late information) they provide on their website.  I like to plan my events well ahead of time (so I can schedule the time off), and it took them forever to get a listing of events up on their site.  Besides that little issue, I have high hopes for this event (especially if we do not attend Lock & Load).  More than likely it will be one or the other.

Now we come to December and this past year it was the first ever SteamCon USA in Chicago.  Steamforged Games recently asked social media for any other locations that people are interested in.  So we will have to wait and see for this one.  If by chance it is again in Chicago, we are most definitely there (as long as there is some time gap from WMW), if it is in any other city we will need to see how far that drive and costs will be.  I also have to take into account my son will probably have a job working weekends, so I have to plan these accordingly where they will not interfere too much with his work schedules.

I missed on two events listed above for 2018.  I attended AdeptiCon, NOVA Open and the Michigan GT.  I missed out on Warmachine Weekend and SteamCon USA.  One event that was not on my list was GenCon.  I actually made it to GenCon this past year for one day to do some vendor shopping.

My son and I were scheduled to attend Warmachine Weekend, but the LACK of event information really put a bad taste in my mouth.  Waiting until the week of the event to post any rules is ridiculous.  Then my son was not able to get that weekend off, so I decided just not to go.

Steamcon USA was also missed this past year.  I had thought it may be taking place in December like in 2017, but they had moved it up to October.  I already had a family vacation planned for October so there was no way I was going to be able to do both..... next year.

Other Games On The Radar

The game of Malifaux has always intrigued me even though I have never played the game.  I really do like the look of the models.  There is a group in South Bend that plays every Tuesday night so I know there is a local following (although this past year at the Michigan GT all the Malifaux events were cancelled due to a lack of registrations).  I think if by chance I do get into this game, I need to stick just to one Faction.  I will need to control the collector in me.  One drawback is that my son never really had an interest in this game, so that may keep me from playing.

Nothing happened with Malifaux for me in 2018, though I was tempted twice at AdeptiCon and GenCon.  Looks like Malifaux will be removed from any future list.

Batman Miniatures Game
I am just throwing this one out there for now.  My son plays this game and he is playing it Friday at AdeptiCon while I play Guild Ball.  I am intrigued by Team Arrow so you never know what will happen.  Unlike Malifaux above, I do not think that anyone locally plays this game.  So it's a complete opposite from above.  No locals but my son loves it and with Malifaux it has locals but not my son.

So right now these two games are just a small blip on the radar.

I did play one game of BMG at the NOVA Open with my son.  As much as he loves the game, it really does not do too much for me.  I purchased a 3x3 gaming mat and some terrain for the game also.  I know I will be getting a few games in next year to be more of a punching bag for son to practice for AdeptiCon.

Bolt Action
So where was Bolt Action in my above plans for 2018.  Well originally it was going to be a fairly large part and my son and I were going to play in the Team Tournament at AdeptiCon.  But our interests has slid a bit (mainly with Guild Ball for me).  Now I still plan on keeping all my armies, will I paint anything for passions change through out the year.  Will I get some games in...I really think so, especially when my son moves up, it will not be frequent, but every now and then.

Absolutely nothing was done with Bolt Action in regards to Painting or Gaming, that does not mean it is totally off my radar.

That is all that I had on my list for 2018, now here are some new additions and comebacks that I saw in 2018.

New Additions:

Arena Rex
I saw this game for the first time at AdeptiCon 2017, then again at AdeptiCon 2018 and both times the game looked very tempting.  Well finally at GenCon I made the purchase of models for my son and I.  I do not have them all painted yet, but I did do a lot of work getting terrain completed for the game.  I really enjoy this game for the quick play.  I was not able to sign up for any events at AdeptiCon 2019 coming up (they all interfered with other events), but I still plan on playing the game in 2019 and working on the models I have.  I did manage to get in 13 games of Arena Rex this year.


X-Wing 2.0 was released in September of this past year.  Just like with the release of Season 4 of Guild Ball, the release of X-Wing 2.0 reignited a spark in for the game.  Not as much as it did with Guild Ball, but enough for my son and I to keep playing the game casually and even signing up for an event at AdeptiCon next year.

Final Thoughts
If you are still with me through all of this, I would have to say that it was a really good year for me Painting/Gaming, especially in the Gaming department.  I am usually lucky to only play 20-30 games in year, and 2018 saw a record 93 games played.  Also with all that gaming, I was able to surpass last years mark in Painting Points.

One other accomplishment I had in 2018 was hitting 200 blog posts in a year, that was a goal of mine ever since I started blogging.  2018 was a record year for me with this post being #284.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post and lets see if anything changes for 2019.

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #52

I just wrapped up the last week of 2018 and tomorrow starts a new year.  Once again I completed nothing on the modeling side of things, I probably should have where I did have some time available, but I was being lazy while on vacation.

I was able to get in 3 games last week, 2 of Guild Ball and 1 for Arena Rex.

Stay tuned later today for a "2018 Year in Review"

Models Completed: 0

Games Played: 3

December 30, 2018

Battle Report: Guild Ball 12/30/2018 Butcher's vs Hunter's

My son and I were able to squeeze in one more game of Guild Ball in for 2018 today.  Once again it was Butcher's vs Hunter's, Ox vs Theron.

The only change my son had in his lineup from the other day was swapping out his Mascot, where I decided to go with my same lineup.

V Minx

My Butcher's ended up winning 12-8, but this game was much closer than it actually looked.  With the Butcher's being up 8-4, I ran out of time on the clock and the Hunter's were threatening for a goal.  I managed to get another Taken Out for a 10-4 lead, but the Hunter's came back with a Taken Out themselves on 'Shank' to make it 10-6  I then had 'Seenah' surrounded with 'Boiler' and 'Ox' and loaded them up on Influence and went to town on 'Seenah'.  'Boiler' managed to do most of the damage and his final swing I took the Knocked Down on 'Seenah'.  I had given up 2 VP on the close as of now and the score was 10-8.  With 10 HP left on 'Seenah' and the Bleed condition, 'Ox' only needed to do 7 damage with his 5 attacks.  'Ox' managed to do enough to get the Taken Out on 'Seenah' and the win for Butcher's 12-8.  'Veteran Minx' never did her Goal, 'Tenderizer' was sitting there doing his job and kept her just out of range for a shot.

Guild Ball: The Longshanks Injury Report Cards

Just before SteamCon USA, The Longshanks website produced some cards to track Injury Report, either for your own damage or tracking your opponents.  The cards were a big hit at both SteamCon's and the owner of the site worked with Steamforged Games to produce the cards as an official product of Guild Ball.  A few weeks the cards were released on the website for sale, and i had to purchase two full sets.

My cards just arrived yesterday and I am very happy with their quality and look of the cards.  The cards are not meant to be used as a reference sheet for each of the players, so I will not comment on my "wants" for that, but the cards for what they are supposed to be used for, I do have two recommendations that would have been nice.

1.  Since my plan on using these cards is to track my opponents damage, I do not now what every model looks like by the tiny picture of their face (I know I probably should since I own every model), so having the players name in white lettering above their picture would have been nice to easily see who is who.

2.  My second recommendation is to possibly place a small check box next to each of the players.  The box can be checked before the game starts so you know what 6 players are in your opponents lineup.  It would make finding the player to mark damage on faster.  Since I am playing on the clock, every second counts.

Other than those 2 recommendations, I think the cards look great and I cannot wait to try them out later today, I think they will work better than the generic card I have already been using.

December 29, 2018

Battle Report: Arena Rex 12/28/2018 Ludus Magnus vs Legio XIII

It has been a pretty long while since our last game of Arena Rex, so instead of a rematch of Guild Ball yesterday, I decided to get the arena ready for battle.

I also decided to try a new scenario 'Geminae' that we have never played before.

Scenario: Geminae
Rival cohorts vie for control of the hart of the arena and the love of the crowd.

Special Rules: Place 2 dual zones in the arena (5" diameter).

Deployment: Cohorts deploy in base contact with their controlling player's arena edge.

Cohorts: Both players bring cohorts of equal value.

Restrictions: None

Victory Conditions: The first player to control both duel zones is the victor.  The last player with models remaining in the arena is the victor, otherwise.

The arena setup.

The scenario conditions for a win made this game play very fast.  Before anyone was killed, my Ludus Magnus had both duel zones controlled.  

Ludus Magnus controlling both dual zones.

Since no gladiator was slain yet, we decided to continue on with the game and play last gladiator standing.  At this point we decided to make the duel zones "Rings of Fire" and each time you cross the ring your gladiator will take 3 damage (but you would gain a Favor for entering the ring).  This is where Legio XIII started to make a comeback and got me down to one model remaining with 'Micon'.  In order for 'Micon' to finish off one of the Legio gladiators he would have to cross the ring and sacrifice himself.  There was no coming back for a victory, so 'Micon' made that sacrifice and Legio XIII won the match with 'Ban-Luca' still standing.

The match was actually 1-1.

December 28, 2018

Daily Chronicle: Steamforged Games Black Friday 2nd Order

This past Monday (Christmas Eve) I received the first part of my Black Friday order from Steamforged Games which was The Union 'Faithful of Solthecius' boxed set.  The second part of my order did not ship until December 18th, so I was not expecting it to arrive at least until December 31st.  Well yesterday I had my son grab the mail, and low and behold a box from Steamforged Games was sitting there, I guess my remaining Black Friday order had arrived.

In this box was only 3 models (I did not go too crazy on Black Friday):

Limited Edition Young Theron
Limited Edition Minerva
Rookie Seenah

All 3 of these models are technically for my son's Hunter's Guild, of the 3 above, the one that I really wanted was 'Rookie Seenah', it is just a cute model.

Time to get these added to the Painting Queue Backlog.

Battle Report: Guild Ball 12/27/2018 Butcher's vs Hunter's

It has been awhile since my last game of Guild Ball, and I wanted to get in a few more games before 2018 is over.  Yesterday morning my son and I threw down for some Butcher's vs Hunter's with our usual Ox vs Theron.

V Minx

I decided to start 'Tenderizer' yesterday to help with clock management and with Influence.  Good thing that I did as I cam down to 58 seconds left on the clock.  The Butcher's were able to get Taken Outs on 'Theron' and 'Veteran Minx', but the Hunter's countered with a Taken Out on 'Boar', it was 4-2 Butcher's in the beginning.  Turn 2 saw an opportunity for an early goal with 'Shank' so I decided to take my chance.  'Shank' did a Where'd They Go? to get out of melee range of 'Seenah' and Dodged towards the goal and within his melee range of 'Snow'.  2 attacks on 'Snow' to gain some Momentum and then a Bonus Time tap-in goal for an 8-2 lead.

My Butcher's were then able to get a Taken Out on 'Chaska' and with time running out, 'Boar' coming back into the game Charged 'Theron' for the final Taken Out and the win.  12-2 Butcher's.

More than likely we will have a re-match today...but who will the Captains be???

December 27, 2018

Guild Ball: The Union 'Faithful of Solthecius'

It has been pretty quiet around here this week with the Holiday's. not much modeling nor gaming (hoping to get in a game later today).  On Christmas Eve this past Monday, one half of my Steamforged Games Black Friday Sale package finally arrived.  My boxed set for The Union 'Faithful of Solthecius' finally came in.  This boxed set represents The Union models that separated and formed The Order Minor Guild.

I actually have majority of the models that already belong to The Order, but I was missing the Mascot 'Pride', with Steamforged Gamed having issues with their website during the Black Friday Sale and the Limited Edition version of 'Pride' kept on saying "sold out", I just went ahead and ordered the full boxed set anyways.  The existing Union models that I already have, I can paint them a little differently, or may even sell some of them individually, we'll see what happens with them later (I am in no rush with them).

Once I get these models assembled early next year, I may actually try a game with them first before they hit the painting table, they are more of a scoring team with 'Seasoned Brisket' it may be fun to try them out.

'Faithful of Solthecius' comes with the following models:

Seasoned Brisket
Harry 'The Hat'

December 24, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #51

Week #51 was a very slow week for me.  Besides a few games of Star Wars Destiny last Monday night, nothing else was played for the week.  It did not help that I was sick for most of the week and then when the weekend came, I had to do a little cleaning for the Holidays.

I am off work this week, so hopefully I will be able to get in a few games, maybe one in tomorrow and then a few in on Thursday (that's the plan for now).

No painting was also completed last week, but I did prep a few models to get ready for 2019.

Models Completed: 0

Games Played: 2

December 18, 2018

Arena Rex: Single Sided Cards

It has been quite of a bit of time since I last posted anything on Arena Rex or actually played a game, but last night I was thinking about the cards for Arena Rex.  I love using physical cards for games, it is much easier to see all the stats/rules of a player if it is right in front you.  One problem with the Arena Rex cards is, the rule description for that player is on the back of the card, so unless you have all your players memorized (which I do not), you are always flipping the card front to back.

On the Arena Rex website, they actually place each player's card as a singe sided image, so it got me thinking to how I printed my Guild Ball cards by sending them to Walgreen's and printed out on 4x6 glossy paper.  This idea came to me at 6:00 AM this morning, so while my wife was still working there overnight, I uploaded all my images to Walgreen's and had them printed for her to bring home with her.

I did not print all the factions, just the my son and I are currently playing (Ludus Magnus and Legio XIII) and a few Beasts that we have.

Width wise the prints are about the same as using the cards, buy obviously the prints are taller.  The prints are also slightly larger for marking damage and the text on the cards, this is ok for me and my eyes which are getting older.

Hopefully sometime this week or next we can get another game in.

Guild Ball: The Fallen 'Snakeskin's Grave'

Ghost's of Christmas Guild Ball Day 6.

The final model from "The Dark Harvest" boxed set and on the 6th Day of Ghost's of Christmas Guild Ball, we have 'Snakeskin's Grave'.

 Snakeskin's Grave

 Snakeskin's Grave

The Dark Harvest models

Painting Points: 1

December 17, 2018

Guild Ball: The Fallen 'Coin's Grave'

Ghost's of Christmas Guild Ball Day 5.

Down to the final 2 models from "The Dark Harvest" boxed set and on the 5th Day of Ghost's of Christmas Guild Ball, we have 'Coin's Grave'.

 Coin's Grave

Coin's Grave

Painting Points: 1

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #50

Week #50 has come to an end and there is only 2 more weeks left in 2018.  I think this past week was a pretty decent week for me, not really too much but not that little also.

I was able to get in a game of Star Wars Destiny on Monday, Guild Ball on Thursday and Sunday, and my son and I played 2 Rounds of Warmachine/Hordes on Saturday night (as time was running out on us).

For completed painted models, it was also a good week.  I was able to complete 6 models and I have 2 more in the queue for this week.  Completed models were: 'LE Cheese Ball', 'Veteran Chisel', 'Zombie Thresher', 'Blackheart's Grave', 'Ghast's Grave' and 'Greyscale's Grave'.

Once the remaining 2 "The Dark Harvest" models are completed, I do not think much more will be done for the rest of this year.  More than likely I will start and prep models for January 2019 and enjoy the last week of the year getting in a few more games.

Models Completed: 6

Games Played: 4

December 16, 2018

Battle Report: Guild Ball 12/16/2018 Mason's vs Hunter's

This afternoon my son and I headed down to South Bend for some Guild Ball Open Play, I had a feeling attendance would be light with a big event happening in Chicago this weekend.  Anyways I decided to try a different Guild to see how it goes....note to self, I probably need to stop doing this and concentrate on my Butcher's.  As much a I like having all the other Guilds, I do not think I am ready to randomly start playing all of could have been my attitude towards the dice also....rolling nothing but 1,2,3... occasionally I had a decent roll.

V Harmony
V Minx

Mason's were down 6-0 and then started a little comeback with Taken Outs to 'Veteran Minx' and 'Theron', but then the Hunter's added 2 more Taken Outs (one being 'Marbles') and the score was now 9-4.  'Flint' had an attempt for a goal run but had to take a Parting Blow from 'Theron'.... 'Theron' got just enough for the Knocked Down... game was now over...  another Taken Out on 'Flint' and 'Marbles' and it was 12-4 Hunter's.

I get used to damage output that my Butcher's can do and it gets irritating then to see a Mason hit for only 1 damage.  Maybe next time I should just try my Fisherman again (I now they cannot do damage on just concentrate on scoring).

Guild Ball: The Fallen 'Greyscale's Grave'

Ghost's of Christmas Guild Ball Day 4.

Continuing on with the models from "The Dark Harvest" box, today is 'Greyscale's Grave'.  This model can actually be used as 'Greyscales' or 'Salt'.

With this model, I actually surpassed last year's Painting Points and currently have 321 Points for the year.

 Greyscale's Grave

Greyscale's Grave

Painting Points: 1

December 15, 2018

Guild Ball: The Fallen 'Ghast's Grave'

Ghost's of Christmas Guild Ball Day 3.

To go along perfectly with yesterday's Season 4 Chapter 'Snakes', today is Day 3 of Ghost's of Christmas Guild Ball and half way through the "The Dark Harvest" box.

With these Painting Points, it now ties me for Points from last year.

 Ghast's Grave

Ghast's Grave

Painting Points: 2

December 14, 2018

Guild Ball: The Fallen 'Blackheart's Grave'

Ghost's of Christmas Guild Ball Day 2.

Continuing on with the models from the "The Dark Harvest" box, yesterday was Day 1 of "Ghost's of Christmas Guild Ball" with 'Zombie Thresher' and today Day 2, we have 'Blackheart's Grave'.

 Blackheart's Grave

Blackheart's Grave

Painting Points: 1

Battle Report: Guild Ball 12/13/2018 Butcher's vs Blacksmith's

It has been a little while since my son last played his Blacksmith's Guild (with his switch to the Hunter's Guild), but last night he decided to throw them down for a game.

V Gutter
V Cinder

Turn 1 for the Butcher's was mainly about setting up Turn 2.  I was not going for any Taken Outs quite yet, but was applying damage across the board and leaving 'Veteran Cinder' "jailed" with 2 HP's.  'Alloy' was just short on Influence for a Turn 1 Goal, so at the end of Turn 1 it was 0-0.

Top of Turn 2 (Ox already activated).

Turn 2 is where the Butcher's did most of their work.  'Ox' activated first and moved up a bit staying in cover, and then using his Legendary Play Get 'Em Lads! (I usually always forget to use my Legendary).  The Butcher's managed to get 2 Taken Outs on 'Veteran Cinder', and 'Sledge'.  'Alloy' Dodged away and managed to go for a successful Goal run making the score 4-4.  I then saw that I had 'Shank' in a good position for a counter Goal.  The Goal Kick went straight up the middle to 'Anvil'.  'Shank' attacked 'Anvil' for Momentous damage.  'Shank' then attacked again for a Tackle result, he proceeded with Where'd They Go? for a 4" Dodge and his last Influence was used for a successful Tap-In Goal making the score 8-4 Butcher's.  Later that turn 'Boiler' managed to do a Taken Out on 'Anvil' and 'Boar' was Taken Out but the Blacksmith's.  En of Turn 2 it was 10-6 Butcher's.

Turn 3 the Butcher's had initiative and I had a couple of options I could do.  'Furnace' had the ball and 'Shank' was in his melee range, but Knocked Down.  I decided to go for a game winning Goal with 'Shank'.  He stood up shaking the Knocked Down condition and attacked 'Furnace' for Momentous damage, 'Furnace' countered with some damage and the Burning condition, now 'Shank' was -2"/-2" to his MOV, which was OK and not needed.  'Shank' attacked again for a Tackle result, and just like before Where'd They Go? for a 4" Dodge and once again within Tap-In range of the goal....'Shank' shoots and scores.... Butcher's win 12(14)-6.

Shank with the game winning Goal.