July 27, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #30

It is a little bit later in the day than usual for this post, but I had a busy morning.  Unfortunately nothing was painted this week, but I did get a few colors done on an Arena Rex model this past Saturday, hopefully I will have time this week to finish him up.

All the excitement this past week led up to the official release of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition on Saturday.  My son and I each pre-ordered an Indomitus box from our local gaming store three weeks and Saturday evening we drove out to pick them up.

We were able to squeeze in a 750 point game yesterday afternoon using the quick setup of Open War cards that I picked up, and my Imperial Fists just managed a small victory after trailing all game.  It was our official first game of 9th Edition (with real rulebooks and points).  I spent the better part of yesterday morning assembling 10 Primaris Assault Intercessors just so I can try them out for the game, one Unit was just holding an Objective, but the other did get into some combat,

I now have A LOT more models to paint and not sure what will be next, I am leaning towards painting an 'Invictor Tactical Warsuit' that I just put together.

There was some sad news also announced during the week, Renegade Open 2020 has decided to cancel their November even up in Minnesota, so as of now, I really do not think there will be an event for us to attend to this year.  We'll see if there is a tournament that might pop up later in the year.

Models Completed: 0
Games Played: 1

July 20, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #29 Warhammer 40,000, Arena Rex and the Week of Indomitus

As stated in last week's "Weekly Chronicle", Buckeye Battles was happening this past weekend but I had elected to cancel since it was against Ohio's gathering rules, so instead my son and I played a few games here at home to continue preparing for Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition and we broke out a game we have not played in a long time.

Saturday was the day of Warhammer 40,000.  Our first game was 1000 points (8th Edition points), I elected to give my new 'Creations of Bile' army a a first time shot vs Dark Angels.  The Mission was 'Divide and Conquer'.

This was a pretty close game and as you can see above, the Dark Angels squeaked out a small victory 47-37.  I am still getting used to the Chaos army, and not having a Primaris type troop model does really hurt them.  I am also still needing to assemble some 'Khorne Berzerkers' for the army, so I think that would help some too.

Our second game on Saturday was roughly 2000 points (new 9th Edition points) of my Imperial Fists vs Dark Angels.... payback is a bitch...  We moved over to the larger table for this game, but I forgot to get any pictures of the game.  The Mission was Front-Line Warfare.

My Imperial Fists just dominated this game wiping out every last model of the Dark Angels allowing the only points to be scored is for a painted army.  My Imperial Fists won 88-10.

With the release of the new Tournament Pack this coming weekend, I heard some rumors that there will be a few changes on some of the lists can be built (mainly Specialist Detachments will not be allowed) so this will effect my Imperial Fists slightly, but it will also save me 1 CP when building my lists.

Sunday was a nice change of gaming.  Since more than likely the majority of our gaming after this weekend will lean heavily towards Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition, we decided to break out the gaming mat and models for Arena Rex.  It has been a very long time since we played this game (only played it once in all of 2019) so it was a nice change and quite fun.  Since I was drawing a blank on the rules while setting up, we decided to keep the battles 3v3, but we did play 2 games.

In both of my games I was playing my 'Ludus Magnus' and my son was playing a bulk of 'Legio XIII', but with a single 'Helleniki' model.  Between games we each did swap a model to change things up a bit.

This was the setup for the first battle with three Deadly Pits in the arena, my 'Ludus Magnus' were able to win this battle with 2 remaining models still standing in the arena.

For the second battle, we swapped out one of the Deadly Pits for a Living Hazard, the Lion.  It was now payback for 'Legio XIII' as they won this battle with some help from the Lion, Deadly Spikes and a Pit.

So that was 4 games played this past weekend, probably the most since what was suppose to be AdeptiCon weekend.

No painting was done this week, and it does not look too good this coming week, I "may" actually prime an Arena Rex model since it has been a long time since I last painted one of these.

Now comes next weekend which is the releases of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition aka "Indomitus" boxed set.  My son and I each were able to get a pre-order in with our local store out in Kalamazoo, and we wont be picking those up till later in the day (around dinner) so not much will be done that evening.  More than likely we will be using the new points book and start updating some of our lists with pen and paper just so we have a few ready to go for when time allows.  We shall see what the plan then is for Sunday, probably start assembling some of the models and reading through the new rulebook.

Models Completed: 0
Games Played: 4

July 13, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #28

Besides actually getting my 'Thunderfire Cannon' completed last week, nothing else was started on nor any games played over the weekend.

Buckeye Battles is suppose to be this weekend and still is running despite the state of Ohio extending it's ban on mass gatherings of 10+ people, so I decided it is best not to go.  My son and I will have a weekend home playing some more games of 9th Edition Warhammer 40,000 so we can still get to used to all the new terrain rules and little changes.

Right now I do not really have much in the queue, I have a backlog of models, but I am waiting till 9th official drops with the point changes to see what I need to complete next, so it is pretty quiet on that front.

Till next week...

Models Completed: 1
Games Played: 0

July 7, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Thunderfire Cannon I'

My pace has been slow as a turtle lately, but at least another model was completed.  I had purchased three 'Thunderfire Cannons' awhile ago and this past weekend I finally sat down and started working on one of them.  Once the changes for the Space Marines Doctrines went into effect, the Thunderfire Cannons were not as effective so my immediate desire to get them completed went down slightly.  Now with 9th Edition right around the corner and these models becoming "Blast" weapons, the need slightly went up, but so did their points costs (leaked rumors),

At least for now I do have one 'Thunderfire Cannon' completed, and we shall see what I do with the other two.

Thunderfire Cannon I

Thunderfire Cannon I

Painting Points: 6

July 6, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #27

We are now officially one week into the second half of 2020 and my painting has not really picked up that much, although this past weekend I did finally sit down at my painting table and will have something completed for this week.

Buckeye Battles is still scheduled for the weekend of 7/17-7/18 but sometime tomorrow the Governor of Ohio is suppose to announce the extension of mass gathering indefinitely and if that happens we will not be attending Buckeye Battles (hopefully we will be able to get a refund).

Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition is still keeping me excited.  Last week the "Core Rules" were made available for FREE and I printed out a hard copy for us to easily thumb thru.  Since as stated above, Buckeye Battles will more than likely be a "no go" my son and I decided to try out a Combat Patrol game of 9th Edition on Saturday.  For the most part at this point level it played very similar.  Obviously Command Points are handled differently and the Morale Phase (which neither of us failed, although close, so we did not see the full new rules of Morale in action).  Learning the new Terrain Traits will also take some getting used to, I like the fact that Terrain is explained better, but now I have to remember all that "better".

I am also working on a new score sheet to be used for the Eternal War Missions.  The ITC Tournament pack has a score sheet for their missions and since the new 9th Edition missions are similar, I am working on getting one completed and use this game as a test before I laminate ours.  The Secondary Objectives are hard to do since there are so many choices and each one earning different points, so the Secondaries will be more of  manual process.  Here is a pic from of my work in progress.

To wrap this up, a game of Extended X-Wing was also played Friday night to kick off the Holiday weekend and my Scum really did their job on the Rebels.  5 Kihraxz Fighters were able to take down Han, Luke and Wedge.

Models Completed: 0
Games Played: 2