Since most of my friends have made a list of things to do for 2010, I'll give it a shot. I'm going to try and keep it simple for 2010. With the move back to Arizona coming in late May / early June I really do not want to buy too much while still here in Chicago just to haul it all back. So here we go.
My main goal for 2010 will be to concentrate on two core games Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy.
Warhammer 40K: PLAY MORE.... thats my goal. I really do enjoy playing this game, especially with 5th edition. I love the idea of playing for objectives and the random games. You never know what will happen. I'm looking forward to the new Missions Book that will be released in March.
Hobbying: try to finish 1750 points of my Imperial Guard before I move back. I will then work on expanding that army after I move. IG will be "my" W40K army going forward. I also have a Space Marine Ultramarine Drop Pod army that is sitting just basecoated, these will bot be touched till after the move. I just "boxed" them up yesterday. Not sure how much more I will get done on my son's Space Marine army. I have 1750 points painted for him, and plenty more models that we can add to his list. The Salamanders are his W40K army that we will always expand on.
Warhammer Fantasy: Recently I started playing WFB more and more and I'm also starting to really enjoy this game again. The Dark Elves have rejuvenated myself and Fantasy. I was getting tired of always losing with my Empire. I am also organizing a "Spring League" here in Illinois and looking forward to those games. I definitely want to play more in 2010.
Hobbying: Get my Dark Elves done to 2250 points before I leave. I am really making progress on these guys and I can see this happening. I really want a Skaven army, this will also wait till after the move. The DE will be done and gives me another new army to start. I also plan on getting the Wood Elves finally done for my son. We'll slowly add new models for him replacing some of the older versions. I have been making a lot of progress on this. I finally also decided to let him paint some of his own models. He's starting with the Treekin. Not sure what Fantasy army he will want next. Maybe he'll try out my Empire army for awhile. There is some models we can replace/add for that Army. My Dwarfs are in a good state right now. I have a 2250 point list that I like to play with the options of changing it up from time to time. Just need to redo the bases on some of the models.
LotR: My son's not going to like to hear this....... but I have no plans for LotR in 2010. The interest for me is just not there at the moment. Maybe when the new "Hobbit" movie comes out, or if I get a little burned out from W40K/WFB I may then paint a few. My son really loves this game, but hopefully we'll be playing the above 2 more and he'll start to like those more.
LotOW: I have buildings, I have models..... I have not really done much or played much in 2009. That will change in 2010. Again as soon as we move, I can see LotOW replacing LotR as my third game system. I hope living in the desert again will spark my interest.
LotHS: I need to play this game.... I have yet to play it. I did get a crew finally painted up. My goal when I go back to Arizona is to play this game with Tim K. Before we play any other game together, we are going to PLAY LotHS. I'm calling you out Tim.
FOW: I have an American Tank army painted and a partial Soviet Tank army painted. I would like to finish up the Soviet Army just so I can have two armies to play the game. I played FOW a few times in 2009, 2010 is looking a little bleak at the moment. I will keep the models/books though in case I want to throw down.
So I thinks that's it for 2010. I need to try to go back to the core and not stretch myself out. If all I play is W40K and WFB I'll be happy ( as long as I actually play). If I get to play the others also, that will be bonus.
OK, onto 2010.......