January 31, 2010

Painting Points: Last Day Of January 2010

Well today is the last day of January and I think this month is most I have ever painted, at least it felt like it.  Here is a recap of what was accomplished for the month.

Warhammer Fantasy
2x Dark Elves Reaper Bolt Throwers (8)
10x Wood Elves Glade Guard (10)
3x Wood Elves Tree Kin (6)
10x Dark Elves Harpies (10)
10x Dark Elves Dark Riders (20)
1x Dark Elves War Hydra (5)
2x Dark Elves War Hydra Beastmasters (2)

Warhammer 40,000
24x Imperial Guard Special Weapon Infantry (4 Squads) (no pics) (24)
1x Imperial Guard Hellhound (10)
4x Imperial Guard Chimera's (40)

Total Painting Points for the month: 135

I guess now it's onto February.
My goals for February will be to finish the final unit of Wood Elves Glade Guard for my son, and continue working on the rest of the Infantry for my Imperial Guard.  With going to Arizona for 10 days (leaving on the 12th) to drop off one of cars and attend "Gathering in the Desert", I'm not sure how much painting will actually get done this month.  That is one of the reasons I really stepped it up for January.  I can say that I am now all painted for "AdeptiCon".

W40K: IG Chimera's (x4)

Here are the finished pics of the 4 Imperial Guard Chimera's that I worked on yesterday.  Just like with the Hellhound, "Less is more".

Chimera I Front Angle: Base coated.

Chimera I Rear Angle: Base coated.

Chimera I: Matte Coated. 

Chimera II: Matte Coated. 

Chimera III: Matte Coated.

Chimera IV: Matte Coated.

January 30, 2010

W40K: IG Hellhound Part 2

One of my favorite architect's Ludwig Mies van der Rohe adopted the motto "Less is more", I decided to do the same for my Imperial Guard vehicles.  Just a little basecoat, and let the dip do the rest.  Here are some pics of the process from Base Coat - Matte Coat of my Hellhound.

Hellhound Front Angle: Base coated.

Hellhound Rear Angle: Base coated.

Hellhound Front Angle: Dipped.

Hellhound Rear Angle: Dipped.

Hellhound Front Angle: Matte Coated. 

Hellhound Rear Angle: Matte Coated.

W40K: Imperial Guard 1/30/2010

The four Chimera's and Hellhound are now complete for my AdeptiCon 1000 point Team Tournament list (pictures will be posted tomorrow once the "dip" dries.  We'll be play testing the list next weekend and hopefully the list will do alright.  Seeing how I already packed/boxed all my other W40K items, I really do not have much room to make any changes.

Here are my updated progress charts for my Imperial Guard army:

January 28, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves War Hydra (Beastmasters)

As promised, here are the Beastmasters to go along with their Hydra.  I believe I am done painting Dark Elves now until the move to Arizona.  I have left 2 units of 20 Warriors FC Spear/Shield and 1 unit of Black Guard.  For the time being I am playing with these unpainted.  Once I finish another unit of Glade Guard for my son and get my Imperial Guard vehicles done for AdeptiCon I may start on some of the Warriors mentioned above.  We'll see....  IG first!

Dark Elf War Hydra  Beastmasters

Dark Elf War Hydra  Beastmasters

January 27, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves War Hydra

While waiting yesterday for my primer to arrive for my Imperial Guard, I decide to paint up my War Hydra to pass along the time.  I do not need this model for AdeptiCon, but I do for my 2250 point list so I figure I might as well get her done.  I was able to paint/dip/base all in one day.  This morning the matte spray was applied, I did not want to take any chances and I was giving the dip more time to fully dry.  I am very pleased the way she came out.  Up next I'll do the Beastmasters for the Hydra so I can call this unit complete.  Then all that is left for the Dark Elves will be the three large block units.

Dark Elf War Hydra

Dark Elf War Hydra  

January 26, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves Dark Riders

This is a historic post for me, #14 for the month.  14 posts is the most I have blogged in one month since I started 'The Old West Chronicle'.

Anyways, this past Sunday seeing I had no more IG could paint, I decided to continue on with the Dark Elves.  I needed one unit of Dark Riders to complete to finish up my list for the AdeptiCon Fantasy Team Tournament.  I decided to paint up both units that I have and will need for my 2250 point list.  I finished up the bases last night and applied the matte coat this morning.  Here are some pics of one of these units.

Dark Elf Dark Riders

Dark Elf Dark Riders

January 22, 2010

W40K: Imperial Guard 1/22/2010

Finished up my fourth and final Special Weapons Squad last night for the IG (the last of my models that were already primed).  I ordered my "Desert Yellow" primer from The War Store today, so hopefully I'll have a lot more updates for my Imperial Guard next week.

January 21, 2010

W40K: IG AdeptiCon 1000 Progress 1/21/2010

Progress below on what is left to do to complete my 1000 points for the AdeptiCon W40K Team Tournament.  4 Chimera's and 1 Bane Wolf to go.  I'll be ordering my primer tomorrow so hopefully some progress can be done on them next weekend.

W40K: Tyranids 1750/2000 Lists Take 2

Ok, after posting my lists on Adeptus Arizona and receiving some feedback, here are a few changes.

1750 pts
Hive Tyrant w/ Paroxysm, Leech Essence, 1x Twin-linked devourers, Hive Commander, Armoured Shell, Regeneration, Scything talons (270)
Tyrant Guard (60)

2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170)
2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170)

10x Termagants (50)
10x Termagants (50)
18x Hormagaunts (108)
10x Genestealers w/ Toxin sacs (170)
10x Genestealers w/ Toxin sacs (170)

Heavy Support
Trygon Prime w/ Regeneration (265)
Trygon Prime w/ Regeneration (265)

Total Roster Cost: 1748

2000 pts
Hive Tyrant w/ Paroxysm, Leech Essence, 1x Twin-linked devourers, Hive Commander, Armoured Shell, Regeneration, Scything talons (270)
Tyrant Guard (60)

2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170)
2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170)

10x Termagants (50)
10x Termagants (50)

18x Hormagaunts (108)
10x Genestealers w/ Toxin sacs (170)
10x Genestealers w/ Toxin sacs (170)
Tervigon w/ Crushing claws, Adrenal glands, Toxin sacs, Regeneration, Catalyst (250)

Heavy Support
Trygon Prime w/ Regeneration (265)
Trygon Prime w/ Regeneration (265)

Total Roster Cost: 1998

Basically removed the Gargoyles and added some more Biomorphs to the Creatures.

January 20, 2010

W40K: Imperial Guard 1/20/2010

A friend of mine once made a graphic like the one below for his 'Sons of Sek' army he built for the 2008 Las Vegas GT. I really liked the idea, so I'm "borrowing" it to keep track of my Imperial Guard army. Once I finish a unit or vehicle I'll update the below graphic. Keep in mind, I have finished a few models that are not shown below that are needed for AdeptiCon. So I really did paint more than what is shown.

Painting Points: How They Work

First off I would like to thank Lone Pilgrim and Equinox for the idea of Painting Points.

The basics of the system are that a participant earns points for each model painted. The number of points earned depends on the size of the model.  Quite a few bloggers are also using the following system.  Here is a breakdown of the chart that I am using.

Re-basing = .25 point
Infantry = 1 point
Artillery (2 man) /  Light Warjacks = 2 points
Artillery (3 man)  = 3 points
Artillery (4 man)  = 4 points
Vehicles / Heavy Warjacks = 5 points
Armored Vehicles / Extreme Warjacks = 10 points

Tree Bases = .25 points
Woods Bases = 1 point
Hedges / Fences / Walls = 2 points
Road Sections = 5 points
Buildings / Ruined Buildings = 10 points

(updated January 29th, 2014: added WW2 items) 
(updated March 10th, 2014: added Terrain) 

Using the Painting Points system for 2010 has really kept me motivated to paint.  Hopefully I'll be keeping it up.

March 2014: 177
May 2010: 166
January 2010: 135
April 2010: 127
February 2014: 109
June 2010: 100

W40K: Tyranids 1750/2000 Lists

With the release of the new Tyranids Codex and plastic models last weekend, it got me to thinking on what I want to do next after my Imperial Guard. I really do like the look of some of the new models and I think with the "TAP" method of painting I can get them done rather quickly.

I probably will not start buying any of the models till I finish my relocation back to Arizona (everything is already packed Warhammer related besides AdeptiCon armies) unless during my visit back to Arizona next month I pick up a few models and leave them at my parents (you know I'll probably end up doing that!)

Having never played Tyranids before, I searched DakkaDakka to get some ideas on army lists. While perusing through some of the lists, I came across a fellow named Mercer across the "pond" who runs his own blog Imperius Dominatus and asked him for some advice.

Mercer replied back to me with a great starting point for a 2000 point Tyranid list along with some tactics that you can read about here. I made just a few changes to his original list and also removed some units to make a 1750 point list. Most of the games I play are 1500/1750 points, but I do like to have enough models to be able to play up to at least 2000 points. I still need to work on removing a few items for 1500 points, but here are my lists for 1750 and 2000 points.

1750 pts
Hive Tyrant w/ Leech Essence, 1x Twin-linked devoureres, Hive Commander, Armoured Shell, Scything talons (250)
Tyrant Guard (60)

2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170)
2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170)

10x Termagants (50)
10x Termagants (50)
10x Hormagaunts (60)
10x Hormagaunts (60)
10x Genestealers w/ Toxin sacs (170)
10x Genestealers w/ Toxin sacs (170)

Fast Attack
10x Gargoyles (60)

Heavy Support
Trygon Prime (240)
Trygon Prime (240)

Total Roster Cost: 1750

2000 pts
Hive Tyrant w/ Leech Essence, 1x Twin-linked devoureres, Hive Commander, Armoured Shell, Scything talons (250)
Tyrant Guard (60)

2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170)
2x Zoanthrope, Mycetic Spore w/ Cluster spines (170)

10x Termagants (50)
10x Termagants (50)
20x Hormagaunts (120)
10x Genestealers w/ Toxin sacs (170)
10x Genestealers w/ Toxin sacs (170)
Tervigon w/ Crushing claws (185)

Fast Attack
10x Gargoyles (60)
10x Gargoyles (60)

Heavy Support
Trygon Prime (240)
Trygon Prime (240)

Total Roster Cost: 1995

I'm sure these lists will also seem some changes, but these give me a great starting point to collect Tyranids.

January 19, 2010

W40K: IG 1500/1750/2000 Lists

I just realized that I never actually posted any lists for the Imperial Guard army that I am working on. The originality of the list was from a friend of mine and I made a few changes here and there. I have yet to play with any of these (trying to get them painted first) so I'm sure these lists will change every now and then, but this is what I am starting with and what I am painting first. Once the 2000 points gets painted I'll probably start a new army while also expanding the Imperial Guard.

1500 Pts
Company Command Squad w/ 3 Grenade Launchers; Chimera (125)


Infantry Platoon: (270)
Command Squad
2 Infantry Squads w/ Heavy Bolters;
1 Special Weapons Squad w/ 2 Flamers, 1 Demo Charge

Infantry Platoon: (270)
Command Squad
2 Infantry Squads w/ Heavy Bolters
1 Special Weapons Squad w/ 2 Flamers, 1 Demo Charge

Veteran Squad w/ Carapace Armour, 3 Meltaguns; Chimera (185)
Veteran Squad w/ Carapace Armour, 3 Meltaguns; Chimera (185)
Veteran Squad w/ Carapace Armour, 3 Plasmaguns; Chimera (200)

Fast Attack
Hellhound Devil Dog (135)
Hellhound Devil Dog (135)

Total Roster Cost: 1500

1750 Pts
Company Commad Squad w/ 4 Grenade Launchers; Chimera (120)

Infantry Platoon (390)
Command Squad
2 Infantry Squads w/ Heavy Bolters
2 Special Weapons Squads w/ 2 Flamers, 1 Demo Charge (each squad)
2 Chimeras

Infantry Platoon (390)
Command Squad
2 Infantry Squads w/ Heavy Bolters
2 Special Weapons Squads w/ 2 Flamers, 1 Demo Charge (each squad)
2 Chimeras

Veteran Squad w/ Carapace Armour, 3 Meltaguns; Chimera (185)
Veteran Squad w/ Carapace Armour, 3 Meltaguns; Chimera (185)
Veteran Squad w/ Carapace Armour, 3 Plasmaguns; Chimera (200)

Fast Attack
Hellhound Devil Dog (135)
Hellhound Devil Dog (135)

Total Roster Cost: 1745

2000 Pts
Company Commad Squad w/ Vox, 2 Grenade Launchers; Chimera (120)

Infantry Platoon (405)
Command Squad w/ Vox
2 Infantry Squads w/ Vox, Heavy Bolters
2 Special Weapons Squads w/ 2 Flamers, 1 Demo Charge (each squad)
2 Chimeras

Infantry Platoon (405)
Command Squad w/ Vox
2 Infantry Squads w/ Vox, Heavy Bolters
2 Special Weapons Squads w/ 2 Flamers, 1 Demo Charge (each squad)
2 Chimeras

Veteran Squad w/ Carapace Armour, 3 Meltaguns; Chimera (185)
Veteran Squad w/ Carapace Armour, 3 Meltaguns; Chimera (185)
Veteran Squad w/ Carapace Armour, 3 Plasmaguns; Chimera (200)

Fast Attack
Hellhound Devil Dog (135)
Hellhound Devil Dog (135)

Heavy Support
Leman Russ Executioner (230)

Total Roster Cost: 2000

January 16, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves Harpies

Started working on my Dark Elf Harpies yesterday and I was able to finish them up today. Just one unit of Dark Riders to finish and my 1000 point AdeptiCon force will be all painted.

Dark Elf Harpies

Dark Elf Harpies

The rest of my 2250 point army will have to wait to get painted till after we move back to Arizona, unless everything I need for AdeptiCon gets done rather quickly. All I have left for my 2250 point list would be; 2 Units of 20 Warriors Spear/Shields, 1 Unit of 20 Black Guard, and 1 Hydra.

January 13, 2010

WFB: Wood Elves Treekin

This past Christmas my son received a unit of 3 Treekin for his Wood Elves army. Usually it takes me about the whole year to paint up one of his Christmas presents. Well this year, we decided to get them done right away. I assembled the models for him and also primed them black for him. I had my son apply the base coat of Bestial Brown and I followed up with the drybrushing, highlights and dip. Here are the results.

Wood Elves: Treekin

Wood Elves: Treekin

January 12, 2010

W40K: IG Hellhound Part 1

This past Sunday morning for some unknown reason I woke up around 3:00 AM. I could not fall back asleep so I said to myself might as well start to build my Hellhound. The night before I had swung by the GW Battle Bunker and picked up the new plastic kit. Once again, kudo's to GW with their new kits. The tank assembled with no problems at all. One thing I noticed while assembling the tracks was that they were not numbered like they are for the Leman Russ. This was not a problem since the track assembling has grooves for where the tracks lay in.

It took me about 3 hours to complete the model, that includes my smoke and coffee breaks. I went to go and prime the tank afterwards, and I was completely out of my Desert Yellow spray. Oh well, it will have to wait till next payday and I'll place an order with The Warstore.

I ended up using magnets for both of the weapon locations. The turret weapons came out really nice and you will not notice any difference. The hull weapon kind of sticks out a bit. I may need to use some plastic card and create a little housing around each of the weapons. Since there are three different variants of the Hellhound, the magnets will make it easier to swap them around.

January 8, 2010

WFB: Wood Elves Glade Guard

The second unit of Wood Elves Glade Guard for my son got their bases done yesterday morning and Matte spray finish. One more unit to go.

Wood Elves: Glade Guard Archers

Wood Elves: Glade Guard Archers

Wood Elves: Glade Guard Archers

The Champion for each unit has different colors for the gems on the cloaks so he can tell the units apart.

January 4, 2010

WFB: Dark Elves Reaper Bolt Thrower

Over New Year's Eve and Day (with having kids you really do not go anywhere on New Year's Eve) I decided to start on my Reaper Bolt Thrower's.... well here they are, they received their matte coat yesterday morning.

Dark Elf Reaper Bolt Throwers

Dark Elf Reaper Bolt Throwers

List for 2010

Since most of my friends have made a list of things to do for 2010, I'll give it a shot. I'm going to try and keep it simple for 2010. With the move back to Arizona coming in late May / early June I really do not want to buy too much while still here in Chicago just to haul it all back. So here we go.

My main goal for 2010 will be to concentrate on two core games Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy.

Warhammer 40K: PLAY MORE.... thats my goal. I really do enjoy playing this game, especially with 5th edition. I love the idea of playing for objectives and the random games. You never know what will happen. I'm looking forward to the new Missions Book that will be released in March.

Hobbying: try to finish 1750 points of my Imperial Guard before I move back. I will then work on expanding that army after I move. IG will be "my" W40K army going forward. I also have a Space Marine Ultramarine Drop Pod army that is sitting just basecoated, these will bot be touched till after the move. I just "boxed" them up yesterday. Not sure how much more I will get done on my son's Space Marine army. I have 1750 points painted for him, and plenty more models that we can add to his list. The Salamanders are his W40K army that we will always expand on.

Warhammer Fantasy: Recently I started playing WFB more and more and I'm also starting to really enjoy this game again. The Dark Elves have rejuvenated myself and Fantasy. I was getting tired of always losing with my Empire. I am also organizing a "Spring League" here in Illinois and looking forward to those games. I definitely want to play more in 2010.

Hobbying: Get my Dark Elves done to 2250 points before I leave. I am really making progress on these guys and I can see this happening. I really want a Skaven army, this will also wait till after the move. The DE will be done and gives me another new army to start. I also plan on getting the Wood Elves finally done for my son. We'll slowly add new models for him replacing some of the older versions. I have been making a lot of progress on this. I finally also decided to let him paint some of his own models. He's starting with the Treekin. Not sure what Fantasy army he will want next. Maybe he'll try out my Empire army for awhile. There is some models we can replace/add for that Army. My Dwarfs are in a good state right now. I have a 2250 point list that I like to play with the options of changing it up from time to time. Just need to redo the bases on some of the models.

LotR: My son's not going to like to hear this....... but I have no plans for LotR in 2010. The interest for me is just not there at the moment. Maybe when the new "Hobbit" movie comes out, or if I get a little burned out from W40K/WFB I may then paint a few. My son really loves this game, but hopefully we'll be playing the above 2 more and he'll start to like those more.

LotOW: I have buildings, I have models..... I have not really done much or played much in 2009. That will change in 2010. Again as soon as we move, I can see LotOW replacing LotR as my third game system. I hope living in the desert again will spark my interest.

LotHS: I need to play this game.... I have yet to play it. I did get a crew finally painted up. My goal when I go back to Arizona is to play this game with Tim K. Before we play any other game together, we are going to PLAY LotHS. I'm calling you out Tim.

FOW: I have an American Tank army painted and a partial Soviet Tank army painted. I would like to finish up the Soviet Army just so I can have two armies to play the game. I played FOW a few times in 2009, 2010 is looking a little bleak at the moment. I will keep the models/books though in case I want to throw down.

So I thinks that's it for 2010. I need to try to go back to the core and not stretch myself out. If all I play is W40K and WFB I'll be happy ( as long as I actually play). If I get to play the others also, that will be bonus.

OK, onto 2010.......

January 2, 2010

A New Year, 2010!

Already 2010.... WOW!... December was a good month for getting things done in the hobby. Not sure if I finished what I wanted to for December.... lets see.

Imperial Guard
1. Finish priming the rest of my Troops for my 1750 point list. NOPE
2. Get 3 more Foot Troop units painted (24 guys). This will have all my "Troops" done. Just Command Squads, Special Weapons, Heavy Weapons will be all that's left. NOPE
3. Possibly start on a Chimera if I have any primer left over. NOPE

I did manage to get a Special Weapons squad and a Leman Russ Executioner done.
I'll be really kicking it into high gear for Jan/Feb to get my Chimera's and Hellhound done. I need these done for AdeptiCon. The rest of the 1750 will eventually get done.

Wood Elves
1. Finish rebasing the rest of the Wood Elves. NOPE
2. Finish a unit of Glade Guard that I started almost 2 years ago. They are half done. Will try the dip on them. YES
3. Assemble a unit of Glade Riders that my son receive last year for Christmas. Not sure if I will be building all 8 or just 5. Need to check with my friends who play WE's on whats the best way to run Glade Riders. YES

I managed to finish 2 units of Glade Guard, just one more unit to go. I assembled and primed them, just need to finish painting them. I also assembled a unit of (3) Treekin they he received for Christmas. These may get done next. They look like they will paint up pretty fast.

Dark Elves
1. Finish up my 3x10 units of Warriors with Crossbows. YES
2. Finish a unit of Warriors with HW/Shield (20). NOPE
3. Assemble another unit of Warriors with HW/Shield (20) YES

I did get quite a bit done on the Dark Elves. Just havent painted the Warriors yet. My entire 2250 point army is assembled (including the Hydra). My Harpies finally arrived and also assembled those. I managed to paint up all of my Heroes (see earlier post), and I am currently working on my Bolt Throwers.

Again my goal for the Dark Eleves will be to get my 1000 points I need for AdeptiCon first, then we'll work on the rest of the 2250. It's looking like the 1000 will be done pretty quickly.

So, what's for January...... I need to continue working on the above 3 armies. That will be my priority for awhile. Skaven will have to wait for the Summer. I really want to finish the Dark Elves first. Regarding W40K, I'll probably just finish up the IG and play with them for awhile. There is plenty I can do with IG to expand on them. Not sure if I'll be starting up a new W40K army in 2010. We'll just have to wait and see. There is still so much I have for IG and Space marines to do...... let alone close to 1750 points of Orks that I have that are in bare plastic.... can we say "dip"......

Now onto the big news for 2010. Looks like we will be moving back to Arizona come Summer time. We were looking for a new rental here in Illinois and have not found anything to our liking. My wife now misses the "new" of Arizona. So it looks like we will be heading back.....