April 26, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #17 (Motor City Mayhem)

This past weekend my son and I drove across the state to Detroit for the first ever "Motor City Mayhem". We signed up for only the Team Tournament on Friday, where as I had to be home Saturday afternoon for a family wedding.

We actually overslept a bit on Friday morning and got off to a late start, but we still made it in time for registration, it was about 2.5 hour drive for us.

When we checked in, that did COVID temperature checks on everyone an the gaming tables were nicely spaced all in the hall (which I have to say, this location had a very nice gaming hall).

Our first game as "Dorn University" (Imperial Fists / Dark Angels) were against the "Death Angels" (Death Watch / Dark Angels), this game was against two fun opponents, but I was not too happy with our game play.  Turn 1 was not as good as I had hoped (we did limit them to only 1 Objective), but we should have knocked them off 2 this Turn, we then were playing catch up the rest of the game and we lost something like 61-35.

Our second game was against the "Impeding Cousins" (Tau/ Necrons), another set of great opponents.  This game we had a better opening and were able to jump out to the lead and hold on to the lead.  We were only able to get through 2 Rounds, but we managed the win an we were sitting at 1-1 for the day.

With Game #1 starting 15 minutes late, and Game #2 starting even later after lunch, Game #5 was not going to be starting till 5:00 PM and not ending till 8:00 PM, so we decided to wrap it up early and withdraw from Game #3 and check into our room and go look for a place for dinner.  We were actually both tired from the drive and long day.

"Motor City Mayhem" is an event I would actually return to again in the future.  If it stays in the same month though, it may be a little tough with AdeptiCon usually being held the month before, but we shall see what happens for next year.

My painting is still at a stand still with my 'Repulsor Executioner' just sitting on my painting table, half painted.  I might be able to get some more work done on it this Saturday morning.

Models Completed: 0
Games Played: 2

April 19, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #16

Still not much to report, my painting has come to a stand still for the year, but coming this weekend is the Team Tournament for Motor City Mayhem 2021.