March 29, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #13

It has been the same ole, same ole for painting lately.  I really thought I would be finished with my 'Repulsor Executioner' this month, but now it is looking slimmer and slimmer.

We did manage a 2000 point test game of Warhammer 40,000 yesterday where my son was playing one of our "test lists" for the upcoming 'Motor City Mayhem' and I played a combination of Black Templars/Salamanders.  This was a close game and I actually lost 70-74, which is a good thing, since my "real" list actually won.

We have less than two weeks to decide on our final lists, and I am still torn between two different 1000 point variants that I have.  I need to make a final decision this weekend.

March 22, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #12

Nothing really new and exciting to report, painting is not yet happening, but we did get in another 1000 point test game for Warhammer 40,000.

March 15, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #11 (Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report)

Well, I actually got a couple of Warhammer 40,000 games played over the weekend, much better than the previous two weeks.

With the "Motor City Mayhem" Team event coming up on April 23rd, it was time to get back to testing 1000 point lists and trying to finalize which I liked better.

So for this past weekend, we played two games, one on Saturday, one on Sunday and left the table/mission identical for both games, just changed sides of the table and our lists.

My list for Saturday I felt was a pretty balanced list for me, and I was extremely happy with the results, grant it I got first Turn of the game so my Imperial Fists came out of the gate shooting.

I concentrated on my two biggest threats which were the Razorback with Assault Cannons and the Hellblaster Squad, once those were eliminated I concentrated on the rest of the army.  My Imperial Fists won 88-23.

As I mentioned above, on Sunday we swapped sides and I played a different list.  I cut down my Eradicator Squad from four to three models and replaced my Tactical Squad with an Impulsor Transport.

I was not luckily enough to get first Turn in this game, so I had to wait it out for half a turn before the fire power started.  Unfortunately my Impulsor took some damage from a Razorback with a Lascannon, enough that it brought it down a level in Movement so I had to rethink my plan.

Playing with Transports is always a tricky situation for me, not knowing when to jump out or stay in.  I managed to get my Primaris Techmarine closer to the Impulsor and at least heal some damage.

This game was an uphill battle for my Imperial Fists, but come the late Rounds in the game (3-5) I managed to turn it around to my advantage.  In Round 5 all that was left of the Dark Angels was a Hellblaster Squad, seeing how I had bottom of Round 5, I elected to eliminate the last remaining Squad.  My Imperial Fists won this one 83-31.

At this point, I am still undecided on which list I like best :(

March 8, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #10

Once again nothing at all was done hobby/gaming wise last week or weekend, it was another lazy week for me (but busy with real work)

This coming weekend we'll get a game in.

March 1, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #9

Unfortunately nothing at all was done hobby/gaming wise last week or weekend, it wa a really lazy week for me.

It is now March, and we shall see how this month goes.  Usually it is the month of AdeptiCon and we would all be getting ready for that event...well, obviously not this year.

As of now, Motor City Mayhem is still on for next month....I am hoping that the event will still be a "go" as we get closer.