February 4, 2013

W40K: IG Vendetta 1

As I mentioned in my 'IG Veterans With Plasmaguns' post the other day, I had started working on a Vendetta Flyer for my Imperial Guard army.  I had always wanted a Vendetta when they were first released, and with the release of 6th Edition and the need for Flyers, this model was now going to be perfect for my army.  Eventually I'll add a second Vendetta, but I may work on a few other models beforehand.

Once again I used 'The Army Painter' "Desert Yellow" spray, and then I brushed on their "Strong Tone" dip.  The dip gives my army that 'dirty, batteworn' look to the army.

Imperial Guard Vendetta 01 prior to paint.
Imperial Guard Vendetta 01 work in progress.
Imperial Guard Vendetta 01 work in progress.
Imperial Guard Vendetta 01 finished.
Imperial Guard Vendetta 01 finished.

Painting Points: 10

February 1, 2013

Painting Points: January 2013

# of Models
Infantry: 3
Large Infantry: 0
Walkers: 0
Vehicles: 0

Total Painting Points for the month: 3
Total Painting Points for the year: 3