June 18, 2011

Daily Chronicle: 6/18/2011 'Wrath and Harkevich'

It has been just about four months since I last posted, and about four months since I really played a game.  I did get my feet wet a few weeks with a quick game of Warmachine with my son and the urge to paint/play more is starting to come back.  I haven't been doing nothing, my other hobby (1/24th slot car racing) has been taking a lot of my time recently and when I get back from vacation next weekend (Las Vegas again) I am going to try and start to manage my time between both hobbies.

June 1, 2011

Painting Points: May 2011

# of Models
Warcasters: 0
Warjacks/Warbeasts: 0
Solos: 0
Units: 0

Total Painting Points for the month:0
Total Painting Points for the year:49